UCLA won!!! 21 to zipp, STANDFORD sucks!
It was my first time ever watching football
i've never even watched it on t.v..lol
It really doesn't interest me, but uhmm it was alright
at the beggining i was really confused and lost,
but then i got all the rules and it was okay=]
I had fun, but it was way too hot and my ear was killing me!
in two weeks im going to a soccer game=]=]=]=]
chicago(PoLand) vs. galaxy(America)
the polish group in chicago is awesome, play good goood
goo gooooo Polacy!!
well anyways, ima wear all white and red..polska sweater of course
then paint my whole face half red half white=] waving that polish flag like crazzie
Polaks willl kick their ass like always! suckers=0
omigod it'll be amazing fun! i can't wait!!!!!
we are the best...k0chani, and u damn right know that
Hallowen Party at Manhattan beach tomorrow=]
field trip monday, no school no h.w, ecxept maybe that US essay =/ehh
i called kamil today:) he had soccer championships last week and scored 2 goals one for me and one for the team=] i hope my thoughts are wrong, im scared, i've been thinking too much and hopefully what i think about is totally wrong, i've been wrong last year and the year before, but i mean ppl change things change you never know, but actually that's the one thing im crazy scared about..i've told many what im worried about but they think im crazy about thinking so, but w.e, im just going insane. i hope azu and others are right and my mixed up wanting brain is wrong. I think it's just the distance that's driving me crazy. i cry too much.
224 more days