OKAY today was hell because my dad picked me up for today and tommorow
when he picked me up he yelled at me because i had my earphones in my ears no music on,just in my ears. dont put that on i am talking to you dont put those in youre ears!~him I DONT EVEN HAVE IT ON!~me (then we kinda got in a fight). then we got to his house and he said that i had an attidude...(which i kinda did cuz i was pissed off) and then we got in a huge ass fight again over the same things.stupid things like.....MY ADDITUIDE.i was standing and i didnt want to sit. and he yelled at me over and over again to sit my ass down (over and over)then i said thanks for swearing in my face. then i think he said hes not swearing and i said "Sit your ass down is not swearing" "no,its politcaly correct to yell and swear" (he said something along those lines)~him.and then he said "i am only 14 i dont know ne thing i am taliking crap i dont know what i am saying." he agrees with the frickin counsler that i NEED anit-depession pills.i said well i am not going to take them yes you are no i am not i dont have to take them because i dont need them.he said yes you do have to take them, they will make you take them.i said i am not taking them cuz i dont need them.and he said that he thinks something happpened between the last time he saw me because i was defending myself and i shouldnt. and he asked why i was acting like that and i said i am still tired (cuz i was) and he said dont use that as an exsusse! and when he said " your talking crap" i repeated what he said so he would her me and he goes "yup,yup,yup," (that was #1)
#2: I was eating dinner right......and he goes why arnt you talking "i am eatin"
#3: i was listeing to my iPod at the pace we went to (stoney creak) and when the fireworks came on i kept it on (cuz i think its cool to have music with firworks) and my dad was getting pissy because i still had it on and hes all like take it off. why? i said take it off! and i didnt and he punched my arm and said TAKE IT OFF! then when we left i fell asleep. i was sleeping in the car and he kept waking me up asking stupid questions and one was have you ever been to D&B and i said no,but you heard of it yeah.(sleep again) and then we had to go to the bathroom when we were leaving and when he found a place and hes like is it open i said "what?" mcdonalds "I dont know i was sleeping" well look!!
Comment if you care about me....