hah! finally a pictue with vern:o)
not the most flattering, but it was han and louisa's last night, so yeah :o)
cecil...not at work??? i got camera craaaazaaay! :o) i <3 cecil.
randi....finally under control...lol :o)
i am sooo confused....randi's face as we tried to figure out how to play scene it at 11 at night. i <3 randi
my favorite sisters....and the fun game we played :o)
yay for Christmas day!!!
yay for group pictures in vern's room!! (even tho she's hiding)
yay for a full group shot!! :o) (well, almost full, minus danny)
yay for a fun winter break! and for all those unflattering pictures of me!.....oh well. i had fun with my new camera so yeah, thats all that matters.