They’re laying beside each other on the green hill. The slimmer one turns to the other, who’s basking in the rays.
“You know I’m nothing without you - invisible, unnoticed.”
*eukyangkyang* The brown haired one opens his eyes and props himself up.
“Silly, I see you clear as day. Chase me! Catch me if you can.”
“I’ll always be right behind you. Follow you forever.”
They share a brief moment of tender looks. The older gets up too and smiles onto the other’s lips, sharing a soft kiss, a sweet taste.
“Now run!” he shouts, reaching out long fingers to tickle tackle the other. Squeals are heard throughout the park.
A never-ending cycle.
A/N: I guess you could call this a companion piece to
The Sun and the Moon. I had put them all together at first, but in retrospect, it's not really how I saw the original fic end. I actually didn't know how I should end it and so my mind made up this fluff. Though it still ties in with the metaphor. XP I hope you can see it. All in all, take this with a grain of salt because I'm still a writing noob hahaha. *stabs self with eraser* That's right. I did it.