It sounds like you are going through a major
depressive episode. If you have answered the
questions honestly and have received this
depression can hit anyone at any time, and is
agony. The person suddenly feels utterly
hopeless, worthless and life seems too painful
and ugly to bear. No one seems to understand,
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Comments 5
Kim, know this- God has given us so much more. More than you and I will ever know. Christ has brought you through sooo many things to end the race now. Jesus has paid for your pain. What are we going to do? Give up?
Kim, go to the doctor, talk to your parents about this. Some of my friends have been proven as clinicly depressed. Please.
Call me any, ANY time you need to talk. 594.0205
I dunno if this is what you wanna hear, but I'm not here to tell you lies. I'm not here to tell you that the rest of your life is gonna be easy. Im not here to tell you what you should do, but if you'd only open up your beautiful eyes and heart...I just want you to see that you worrying about whatever it is that's bugging you is what's killing you. Take that 'problem(s)' and throw them aside. Burn it/them! Kim, I see alot of things. I may be gullable and even stupid but I'm not totally blind. You're not much different than I was about 6 months ago..(I'm not comparing your problems to mine or anything. I was more refering to how I used to think and stuff)
Man, I dunno how to deal w/ppl's problems at all. I just wish I could get you to see what I've seen..(((HUGS)))
Im not here to say i love you im here to say put your faith in him put your trust in him love him surrender to him.
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