i dont know what you heard about me but a bitch cant get a blood up outta me i drive a cadilac with my perm cause im a g and im a motherfucking c-r-i-p
yesterday i almost died in gym. ill tell you the story if you want it.
yesterday was good. school. then my house for a while. then harrisons + richdales. then the trek to the carnival. then sitting in richdales. then two jews came. well technically one jew cause thurr both half. then the carnival. making fun of kids all night. mad fun. thats about it.
vacation was good. id give you a day by day wrap up but... i have friends. almost every day did something around here. almost every night was manhunt. except (im sorry) terror toons at mikes house. today i leave for my dads. untill friday. ill be online for like an hour after school every day. then thats it probably. i cant wait.