wow... lately... I've been going through some shit. I just found out that my friend Michael died on Tuesday night. He committed suicide.... I was extremely in shock when I found out... but I cant cry. I dont know why. Its like... its too much for me. Today I spent the day laughing and being happy. But why? I should be mourning. I should be sad. I dont get it... I mean, I'm trying to forget about it. But theres something in the back of my head just screaming his name. We only just talked a few days ago.... and now?..... this sucks so bad. I just cant believe how this happened. How do you get that lonely? I mean.... god...... This is 3 friends in less than 6 months. Unbelievable.
Anyways, ummm I'm dying my hair tonight... so hopefully that will look better than this gay blonde shit. hmm.... lets see we got out of summer school today early, and go figure todays the day I let my mom borrow the truck. So she ended up comming "on time" which sucked cause I got soaked in the rain, but it felt good so I cant really complain. Theres this really cute boy in summer school ^.^ not gonna lie. lol.
But yeah.. I'm about to leave the house. Just wanted to update this stupid thing. lol.
<3 Always Ash