Three things that scare me: ((this is a hard one))
1: Spiders
2: Scary Movies late at night, in the dark, alone
-lol- ((fun but freaky -lol-))
3: Hmm...I dunno I could only think of the first
one -lol-
Three people who make me laugh:
1: Caitlin
2: Yashoni
3: Chelsea ((there are more but I only had 3
spaces fools =) ))
Three Things I love:
1: My friends/family
2: Tennis
3: Chinese
Three Things I hate:
1: When people stare
2: Superiority ((People that think they're better))
3: Homework
Three things I don't understand:
1: Homework...pointless
2: Why some people choose to do/feel the way
that they do
3: When people get mad over nothing
Three things on my desk:
1: Stereo controller
2: Computer
3: Phone
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: Reading
2: Typing
3: Listening to the radio
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: Rock Climb
2: Go to Australia
3: Scuba Dive
Three things I can do:
1: Play Tennis
2: Play Piano
3: Swim
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: Outgoing
2: Realistic
3: Fun
Three things I can't do:
1: Back Handspring
2: Run the entire hill at tennis w/out stopping at least
once ((folks this thing is like at a freaken 80 degree
angle, it's insane.))
3: Download new ring tones for my cell phone -lol-
((Sorry I ran out of things?!))" border="0" alt="thinking hard..."
Carve Your Heart Out Yourself is a great song.
so subtle and heart-melting.
If You are like
this song, you care alot about your friends.
Probably more than anything else.
As long as
they need you, you'll be there.
Which Dashboard Confessional Song Are You?
brought to you by
I've never heard that it any good? I just felt like
doing that quiz. Hmm...well don't forget to read the
entry I have under this one! <3