this evening they finally emailed all the info we need. its split over about 1000 webpages and they keep going on about a 'summery' i must have but i can't find it on any of the emails they sent. argh. so pissed off. they should have sent this out weeks ago, not two nights before we arrive. I still haven't packed. They can't expect me do
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Comments 4
^that sounded terribly patronising. I'm sowwy >.<"
URGH. that's terrible!! how can they expect you to sift through however many gazillion emails they send you, for one tiny little summary section, and only tell you they need it two days before you go?
i'd've broken something by now...
oh and Durham. Durham is one if the nastiest places ive been too. The accomodation is all 1970's and its a helluva walk to get from there to the uni. *i was made to go look round once cus my sister had applied there* So you're probably better off in the end. At least he'll have other snobby people there to bring him down a peg or two. ¬_¬
YAY TAEMIN.<3 <3 <3
i love you for that.
i know TAT this uni is so disorganised. they put EVERYTHING online, which is nice and progressive and all but im really more of a paper person. I honest to god can't find this bloody summary anywhere. It's meant to tell us which forms to bring so I'm going to bring them all. Have you got your a level certificates yet? they are asking for them but i only have my statement of results...
it's getting to that stage. I really hate how this all costs money now. I would love to be able to just tell them to fuck off. Sadly they already have a few hundred pounds of mine T_T
y/y my dad kept telling me to go there but i've been before. it was dire. oh yes, my old head girl (she was a real piece of work) is going to that place...actually, i think he might be doing the same course as her...they can be twats together.
:D this kid's face never fails to make me smile <3
have they been certified yet? I only have a statement. this is all very confusing and making me glad i deferred. but i have to reapply NEXT year for my course... woohoo.
I'm disliking the money thing too. I vote we pay them in monopoly money, until we get a decent job where we can actually pay loans back...
and his FACE. he looks so scared bless. >3
i don't think so but my uni is saying that we have to bring them O.O but if nobody has them then tough. they will have to just deal with it.
im going to apply as well. i hope that my school will still do me a reference. i dont think one from the tutor i will have known for 2 weeks will be great.
yes, with every other idiot going to uni having a degree doesnt mean that we will actually get a decent job.
pft, we all know hes just trying to tempt us XD
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