1. If you had to be stuck on a desert island with one piece of music, one book and one person, what would they be? Something from the Backstreet Boys (for nostalgic purposes,) Ender's game, and Sydney because we'd find something random and stupid to do.
2. What would your last meal consist? Ramen noodles, chocolate ice cream, avocu maki, and iced tea.
3. Would you support McDonalds if they went organic? No.
4. Who would be your ideal new years eve kiss? *growl*
5. If you had to hook up with one of your friend's parents, who would it be and why? Ew, no.
6. If you had to get plastic surgery done what would it be? Either a nose job or some liposuction.
7. What fattening thing would you make un-fattening? Ice Cream.
8. What celebrity's phone number would you want so you can call it several times a day and hang up every time? Benjamin Madden's.
9. If you could break up one celebrity couple, who would it be? Joel Madden and Hilary Duff, ew.
10. What's your favorite bar-shaped food? Snickers.
11. What public building, store or home would you use for the design of your own house? *can't remember the name of the store*
12. If you could work for anyone except yourself who would you work for? Um... Wow, no idea.
13. If you could erase people you've hooked up with, how many would you take off the list? ---
14. Where would you rather wait in line, the post office on tax day or the bathroom line during intermission at an elton john concert? The post office on tax day.
15. If you were exiled and confined to a city or town outside of the United States for the remainder of your life, where would you like to end up? Los Angeles.
16. A thousand paper cuts on your hands or a gaping wound in the head? a thousand paper cuts on my hands.
17. A pen forever stuck up your nose or a cleft lip? A cleft lip.
18. Shoes always on or always off? always off.
19. Which phrase would you rather have stuck in your head for the rest of your life: the preamble to the constitution or the lyrics to the song that never ends? The lyrics to the song that never ends.
20. If you opened your own club/bar/restaurant, what would you name it? Food.
21. If you were a television network, which would you be and why? Comedy Central because I like to be funny.
22. If you could make any cartoon character from your childhood come alive, which would you choose? Would you sleep with them? Vash the Stampede (is that my childhood? I was like 12 when I first saw Trigun.) and Yes.
23. Would you rather have been a surviving jew or a nazi? A surviving jew. (ew, nazis.)
24. Would you rather be without an arm or a leg? without an arm.
25. Or rather, Make your name into a palindrome: Andreaerdna...? I don't exactly understand the question.
26. What's a word that you think you're the only one who knows the definition to? Rodomontade. (How many people went and looked that up after I said that?)
27. Would you get pregnant if you knew you could only give birth to triplets? Ow, but yes.
28. Could you go a month eating nothing but raw asparagus if you knew you would be in the best shape for the rest of your life? I love aparagus. Yes. And then I'd never aparsgus ever again.
29. Would you have an affair with your favorite celebrity if no one else could ever know about it? Fuck yes.
30. Would you pick up smoking if it gave you radiant skin and made you healthier? If it still has all the other side effect no, other wise, sure.