alright soo..i havent updated since like last week..
Monday-was holiday was fun but not as fun as I thought it would have been...mainly cuz it was so fucking hott
and you would be doing something and after every thing you
did, you'd have to come back to the pool cuz u got so hott.. and so i
sweated like all my makeup off hahaha...went paddleboating which was
just a blasttt..haha..went for a walk in the woods while aj was
screaming achoo achoo to
rich which i didn't figure out what that meant until later that
day..went swimming obviously...did this weird game with sam where we
had to get more basktebals in than the other person while we were
practically attached to them..ghetto..speaking of ghetto..all the kids there were like black lol i noticed that i have no idea why..
and so then by the end of the day i had taken pictures and hung out
with lotsd of ppl on and off..kinda like teen night- how it takes you
some time to get settled with the group of people you are gonna be with
and what you are gonna do..and so at the end we just listened to music
and headbanged..(the next day i couldn't even move my neck..haha)
and sooo thennn i got home and took a diesel cold shower and then went over danielles...and sam and rich achooed
- only me and marcus saw it but it was fun we hung out at her pooool
and kept askin rich questions bout sam when she was
Tuesday-oh joy tuesday i remember was awards night which was kind of pointless..i was just talkingto espo like the whole time..because yes i sat there for 2 hours for what..a spanish me and jeff were all liek pissed cuz we got the
unimportant awards while people were getting awards form like the damn
president.. and we got spanish and chorus awards..woopy fucking
out with chris after schoollllllll yes he came over and we
chilled..then he left cuz he couldnt get outta soccer practice:(
roarrrrr...and then marcus and jeff came over so it was all
good..hehe..and ya thats all i member from wednesday..
Thursdayyy- we had this picnic thing outside for lunch..after a like 15 minute fire they had like hamburgers oreos and chips and shit..
and so yeahh mr gorski was like who wants my oreos( me and sam wanted
like evety1s oreos) so we were like I DO I DO!!!!!!!! and he was like
well so do i..hahahahahahahhaah
were all in the cafe and it was kinda obviosu suttin was gonna happen
cuz every1 had alot of food and were like staring at marcus and aj cuz
they were supposed to start it..and so ryan yells outta nowhere START
IT!! it gets dead quiet and he had to go to the rich
just randomoly throws a squashed up cheeseburger wrapper that almost
hits dr.hale..and it all thing i knew i see a fucking
apple fly in front of my face that almost hit was so funny and
there werent any teachers that could actually make it stop in there..i
mean dr hale and mr clark are like too nice
for their own good..and so we lost all our privledges even tho
were gettin them back..but thats really gay cuz it was only for like a
minute not like the whole damn [ the whole afternoon we were
like getting harassed in spanish by gorski asking us who we saw who
started it but no1 snitched on anybody..i mean does he expect us to??
wutta loser..
and so then after school i went to the bazaar with aj rich danielle and
niki cuz they came over running from the i hung with
danielle the whole time and some people on and off..and ate like and danielle were tlakin about l.a. cuz we all got numbers cuz we were all diesel
# 1 is Chris H
# 2 is Ryan
# 3 is Danielle
#4 is mwah
# 5 is Sam K.
and so danielle goes to me..hey..we're like the KIDS NEXT DOOR!!! lmfao we both starting laughing like crazy
Chris is the bald dude with sunglasses, Ryan is the fat pilot, Danielle is the werid chinese chick who love stuffed animals, I'm the short blonde dude who like # 3 and is stupid , and Sam K is the ghetto, black was so funny..i love my then tiff and nick and ceci came and i hung out
with them..and i talked to the virgin mary and was like marys a virgin
fuck her fuck her(just jokin not we had that freaky ass lesson on the beatles
with paul is dead miss him miss was so weird..then we talked to
brittany..shes so hung out with like espo and mikey and
jenn and chris/dan and some others..and so after when i left i got this
diesel lighter its hotttt..its west coast choppers and like holographic and shit..madd cool
Todaywent to the mall with mike and bought this really cute bathing
suit at pac sun..just the top tho not the bottom cuz i coudnt afford
it..30 bucks for a top and 30 for the bottom too wtf 60 bucks for a
bathing suit what is that..and i bought a candle for my dad and got him
some chrome..mwahaha of course it was a free sample tho it was like 40
for like an ounce of im goin over my dads tonight and
hangin with him for fathers day 2moro..well laterrr