AHHHHHH! *runs around in desperate circles, hyperventilating* NO! How could... but.. NOOOOO!!! Snape? SNAPE?? NOOOOO!!! Okay, so I knew it was inevitable, but still, NOOOO!!! This was the most painful of all the books. So painful. Ginny? GINNY?? Oh dear God, I thought I was going to be ill. I'd rather see him with LUNA. But what's worse, those last couple of pages actually made me want them to be together. EWW! I HATE Ginny. No, awful. I gagged through half the book, and quivered with awe at the rest. I knew who was going to die no thanks to some arse that spammed
_gxs_ that I then had to delete, but it still took me so much by surprise. Admittedly the middle stretch of this book was a little tedious, but the ending was amazing. Starting with when Harry and Dumbledore set off to find the Horcrux, up till the end. And what's better, Draco didn't die and there is still a glimmer of hope for H/D slashers. Pathetic, I know. But I cling to that hope like a... well... clingy pathetic fangirl, I guess ^-^ Ugh. What a book. How could she? Oh JKR, you are an evil, wonderful, amazing goddess whom I worship. OMG... *falls over and passes out*
PS... anyone wanna discuss? Just comment about anything HBP related!