I've been listening to T.M.Revolution a lot. And thinking flist deserves something for putting up with my inane, petty posts.
My favourites:
ResonanceBLACK OR WHITE? -version 3-AlbireoDokusai -monopolize-HOT LIMITLEVEL 4LOVE SAVER [Under:Cover version]Madan~Der Freischutz~ [Under:Cover version]Joker [Under:Cover version]Zips [Under:Cover version]TORIKOMeteorYume no Shizuku [Under:Cover version]Mohaya - Kimi Nashi ja Hajimaranai-Chase\The Thrill With abingdon boys school:
[Original][Under:Cover Version][Try My Remix Version][HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR VERSION Also, if anyone wants to request T.M.Revolution songs or HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR sings, go ahead. I don't have all of T.M.'s stuff, but I should have a good chunk. I'm fairly certain I have all HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR stuff.
I'm upset that H&MC seems to be ending. :( Maki, don't quit to become a housewife. Your husband's old and rich! Surely between the two of you you can afford a maid! Although what I'm imagining of the reactions of the Maki/Yuusuke crowd makes me laugh.
Tomorrow a sing-a-long version of the Joe Jonas movie is airing. XD I think I'm going to have to watch. It's pretty much the only way it could've been cheesier.
Lol, the other day my mom asked me what Amanda Bynes' old show was called.
Speaking of my mom, I've got a bit of a complex about my appearance because of her. Almost every time a classmate or friend meets/sees her, the next time I see them, they say, "That was your mom? Wow! She's so pretty! You look nothing like her!" Thanks. --;;