Title: In Which Uruha Makes Kai Feel Like A Giddy Little School Girl
Chapter(s): 1/1
xxshamisenGenre: Fluff
Rating: G
Warnings: No plot? LOL.
Pairing: Kai/Uruha
Disclaimer: Real people, real circumstances, fake stories.
Summary: Uruha is hungry.
Comment: For #108 of
15_minute_fic. I soooo love these two. ♥
“Kai, I’m hungry.”
The drummer sighed as he heard Uruha’s voice from the other end, but immediately scolded himself mentally for even sighing like so. He didn’t have the right to think that his boyfriend would just continue to treat him as his cook as he had done so in the past, at least, he didn’t give himself the right to.
“Okay, what do you want to have?” Kai inquired, reaching down on the table for the pen and paper beside the phone, just in case Uruha wanted a lot.
“Anything you can give me,” was the immediate answer. Kai pouted a little at that because it was quite hard to think of something to make. On the bright side, he could just make his specialties. Surely Uruha wasn’t a picky eater.
“Alright, just give me about an hour and I’ll be there.” With that, Kai hung up and headed for the kitchen, about to start a session with his beloved oven.
Uruha jumped from his seat as the doorbell rang, snapping his trance from the television. “That was quick,” he muttered to himself, hopping over the couch’s back rest to immediately answer the door, not even bothering to retrieve his slippers anymore. “Coming!”
Kai’s smiling face greeted him as he opened the door. Uruha felt slightly embarrassed because here was Kai, all dressed up with his sunglasses and trench coat, and here he was, in sweatpants and a muscle shirt. For a moment there he felt that inviting Kai over must’ve been a bad idea, but he shoved his thoughts to the side and just let the other man in.
“What’s with the sudden craving, Uruha?” Kai inquired immediately, setting the box of his homemade chocolate cheesecake down on the living room center table. Uruha hopped back on the couch next to the drummer, and placed a soft kiss on his boyfriend’s cheek first. The blond then shrugged as he reached for the remote and turned the television off.
“I don’t know, just hungry for you, I guess.”
A soft pink blush painted the drummer’s cheeks at that moment, and Uruha just laughed softly. This would certainly go in Kai’s book of How Uruha Makes Kai Feel Like A Giddy Little School Girl.