(no subject)

Jul 29, 2004 19:11


First name: Shiane.
Middle name: Nicolle.
Last name: Escobedo.
Nickname(s): Shi, Shi-Baby, Shin, Stinks, Princess.
Gender: Female.
Age: 17.
Birthday: July 26, 1987. 
Height: 5'6"
Hair color: Brown.
Eye color: Brown.
Nationality: American.
Do you wear glasses or contacts: No.
Do you have braces: No.
Where were you born: San Diego, CA.
Current location: Beaverton, OR.
Zodiac sign: Leo.
How many languages do you know: Two.
Country: USA.
Bad habit: Nail biting.
Piercings you have: None.
Piercings you want: Tounge, nipple. 
Tattoos you have: None.
Tattoos you want: On my lower back or ankle. Not sure of what yet.
Today's date: July 29, 2004.
The time: 7:14 PM.

Family & Pets

Brother(s) name(s): Brent.
Sister(s) name(s): Sierra.
Favourite aunt: Debbie.
Favourite uncle: None.
Favorite grandparent: Nana Mary.
Worst relative: Grandpa John.
Best relative: Uhhh... Adrian.
Do you get along with your parents: Sometimes.
Does anyone in your family understand you?: Not completely.
Do you have any pets: Yes.
What are their names: Mistubishi, Gyzmo, Fuzzy, Mikey, Radar and Ruffles.


Are you still in school: Yes.
Did you drop out: No.
Current gpa, or last gpa you got: 3.4.
Favorite grade: Umm second.
Least favorite grade: Tenth.
Favorite teacher: None.
Least favorite teacher: Ms. Rosen.
Favorite subject: Science.
Least favorite subject: Math.
Do/did you buy lunch or bring it: Neither.
Played any sports on the school's team: Yes.
Do/did you do any extracurricular activities: Yes.
Favorite memory: Donno.
Least favorite memory: Last days of school each year.


Number: Either.
Clothing brand: I don't have one.
Shoes: Vans.
Saying: "Cool beans." 
TV show: 7th Heaven.
Sport: Football.
Vegetable: White Broccoli.
Fruit: Mango.
Movie: Now and Then, The Lion King.
Magazine: YM.
Actor(s): Cuba Gooding Jr.
Actress(es): Catherine Zeta Jones or Eliza Dushku.  
Candy: Starburts.
Gum: Green Orbit.
Scent: Vanilla.
Candy bar: None.
Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip.
Color: Orange.
Season: Summer.
Holiday: My birthday.  
Singer: JC Chasez and Ashlee Simpson.
Group: NSYNC, The Ataris and Taking Back Sunday.
Rapper: Eww no one.
Type of music: Rock or Oldies.  
Thing in your room: CD's and stereo.  
Place to be: My room or in Sean's arms.
Radio station: None.
TV channel: ABC Family.
Junk food: Eh.
Overall food: Spahgetti.  
Store: Walmart or Target.
Shoe brand: You already asked me.
Fast food: Erm, In and Out Burger.
Shape: Triangle.
Time of day: Night.
State: California.
Boys name: Damien or Jayden.
Girls name: Azelyn or Jadeyn.
Video game: Super Mario Brothers part 3.
Shampoo: Pantene Pro-v Smooth and Sleek.
Board game: Candy Land.
Computer game: None.
Car: Donno.
Music video: "Shadow" Ashlee Simpson.
Swear word: Whore.
Word: Swift.
Month: August.
Cartoon character: Jimmy Neutron.
Scary movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

First Thing That Comes to Mind

Eminem: Loser.
Dog: Chester.
Hot: Sean.
Britney Spears: Yay.
Nsync: LOVE!!!
Real World: Lame.
Orange: AWESOME!
Fuck: Whore.
Bisexual: Shiane.
Black: Slaves.
Insane Clown Posse: Crap.
Linkin Park: Crap.
Rainbow: UNICORNS!
Cherry: Hooker.
Cucumber: Porn.
Sharks: Sean.
Lifehouse: Music.  
Bats: Sean.
Leather: Gummy Bears.  
Whip: Chain.
America: Moron.
Water: Fun.
Volcano: Perdy.

This or That

Rock or Rap: Rock.
Rock or Pop: Both.
Rock or R&B: Rock.
Rock or Metal: Rock.
Rap or Pop: Pop.
Rap or R&B: R&B.
Rap or Metal: Metal.
Pop or R&B: Pop.
Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit: Both are crap.  
Tool or Korn: Tool.
Selena or Jennifer Lopez: Selena.
Hot or Cold: Warm.
Winter or Summer: Summer.
Spring or Fall: Fall.
Shakira or Britney: Both.
ICP or Eminem: Both bite hard.
MTV or VH1: MTV.
Buffy or Angel: Neither.
Football or Basketball: Football.
Skiing or Snowboarding: Snowboarding.
Rollerblading or Skateboarding: Niether. 
Black or White: Black.
Orange or Red: Orange.
Yellow or Green: Green.
Purple or Pink: Both.
Hot Topic or Pac Sun: Pac Sun.  
Inside or Outside: Inside.
Weed or Alcohol: Weed.
Cell Phone or Pager: Cell Phone.
Pen or Pencil: Pen.
Powerpuff Girls or Charlie's Angels: Neither.
Scooby Doo or Dino: Dino.  
Dragon Ball Z or Pokemon: Pokemon.
Star Wars or Star Trek: Neither.
Tattoos or Piercings: Both.
Prep or Punk: Labels suck.
Slut or Whore: Eh.

Private Life

Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend: I have a Sean.  
Do you have a crush: Yes.
Do you love anyone right now: Yes.
Have you ever been in love: Yes.
How many hearts of have you broken: A few.  
How many people broke your heart: A few.
Best quote to sum up love: Donno.
So what is your bf/gf/crush like: Funny, Gorgeous, Kind, Caring, Loveable, Huggabley Kissabley Sweet, Perfection.
Do you have a picture of him/her: Yes.
Do you have a picture of yourself: Yes.
Do you go by looks or personality: Both...but personality is more important.
Ever kiss a friend: Yes.  
Are you still friends: Uh huh. 
Do you smoke: Not anymore.
Do you smoke weed: Not anymore.
Ever trip on acid: ...
How about a little X: ...
Crack, heroin, anything else: ...
Beer good or beer bad: Beer bad.
Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers: No.
Do you like smirnoff ice: Yes.
Prefer beer or liquor: Neither anymore.

Would You Ever

Bungee jump: Yes.
Sky dive: Yes.
Swim with dolphins: Yes.
Scuba dive: Yes.
Go rock climbing: No.
Eat shit for $1,000,000: No.
Turn your back on your friends for personal gain: Maybe.
Steal a friend's boyfriend/girlfriend: Maybe.
Cross-dress: Sure.
Lie to your parents: Yes.
Walk up to a stranger and kiss them: Maybe.
Be an exotic dancer: No.
Walk out of a restaurant without paying: No.
Streak: Sure.

Have You Ever

Flashed someone: Yup.
Told the person you liked how you felt: Yes.
Been to michigan: No.
Gotten really REALLY wasted: Yes.
Gone to jail or juvi: No.
Skateboarded: No.
Skinny dipped: No.
Stolen anything: No.
Kicked someone's ass: Yes.
Pegged someone in the head with a snowball: Yes.
Broke a beer bottle: No.
Gotten into a bar, under-aged: No.
Gone on a road trip: Yes.
Gone on vacation without adult supervision: Yes.
Been to a concert: Yes.
Been to another country: Yes.
Talked back to an adult: Yes.
Got pulled over: Not I myself but I've been in the car. 
Got in a car accident: Yeah.
Broke a law: Yes.
Given money to a homeless person: Yes.
Tried to kill yourself: No.
Cried to get out of trouble: Yes.
Kissed a friend's brother or sister: Yes.
Kissed a brother or sister's friend: Yes.


What do you think about pop music: Love it.
About boy bands: Wooyah!!!
About flag burning: Donno.
About suicide: Easy way out. 
About people who try to force their opinions on you: Annoying.
About abortion: I wouldnt go through with it I dont think but until I'm put in the position how can I say either way. A woman has the right to choose what she does with her baby.
About rock/metal music: Good.
Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Donno.

The Last

Thing you ate: A taco.
Thing you drank: Coke.
Thing you wore: Black shorts and a tank top.
Place you went: My room.
Thing you got pierced/tattooed: Nothing.
Person you saw: Dad.
Person you talked to: Dad.
Song you heard: Pieces Of Me.


What are you eating: Nothing.
What are you drinking: Nothing.
What are you wearing: Black shorts and a tank top.
Hair: Half up.
Listening to: 7th Heaven.
Talking to anyone: Meggo and Sean.

Yes or No

Are you a vegetarian: No.
Do you like cows: Yes.
Are you a bitch: Yes.
Are you artistic: Can be.  
Do you write poetry: Yes.
Are you a fast runner: No.
Can you ski: No.
Are you british: No.
Do you want to spear Britney: nope.
Do the voices talk to you: No.
Are you straight: No.
Are you stupid or insane?: Can be.
Are you short: No.
Are you tall: Yes.
Do you own a hot pink shirt: Yes.
How about orange pants: I wish.
Are you evil: Can be.
Did you ever know someone who had a mullet: Yes.
Are you secretly from another planet: Maybe.
Do you shop at Hot Topic: Sometimes.

Random Questions

If you could be any animal, what would you be: A hippo.                                                If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be: Oranges.
Do you remember any of your dreams: Yes.
Do you dream in color or black and white: Color.
Do you admit when you need help with a problem: Sometimes.
Can people read you like a book: Sometimes.
What's your biggest fear: Cowboys, being alone, heart ache.
Do you talk a lot: Yes.
Are you afraid of clowns: Yes.
Do you like spiders: Hell no!
Can you drive: No.
Are you spoiled: Heh.. yes.
Are you anti-social: Sometimes.
Do you see dead people: No.
Any last words: This was boring.  
Time you started: Donno.
Time you ended: 7:43 PM.

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