Jun 11, 2006 15:41
Man, I really wanted to go to the show tonight at the Token, but our car still has a fucking flat tire. Apparently, Bell Tire isn't open on Sundays. And none of my friends (that live around here, at least) are going. GWAR. Someone should come pick me up. I'll pay you in fags.
Jun 10, 2006 19:56
So all I've done today is sit around eating meat sticks and watching Clerks. And I wonder why I'm getting fat...
Jun 10, 2006 17:15
I'm sitting in my room, listening to Radiohead, and being sad. I can't help but feel like another hopeless statistic. Sigh.
Show tomorrow. Token Lounge. Imp Villains. Go.
Jun 08, 2006 20:13
"A Clockwork Orange" has just been ranked the second most controvercial movie of all time, beat out only by "The Passion of the Christ." You have no idea how happy this makes me. Guess which one I'm watching...
Jun 06, 2006 18:26
I don't cut myself very often, and I talk about it even less. But today I cut myself pretty deep. I just think it's funny how in order to feel alive, I need to see my life slipping out of me in red rivers...
Jun 06, 2006 14:22
Anyone want to buy me some fags? I would love you for ever....