Ok so I had a dream that was two fold....
I was some sort of film makers assistant and I had my own two person crew, one girl was a short Asian and the other I never actually cared to look at her face, she just followed us around. We were at like at Disneyland maybe, but it looked nothing like it, there were no rides, only a large black top with very clearly painted white lines and shapes, it looked like a school playground, but all the colors were so vivid and there was a very green tree reflection in the puddle on the black ground. And that is were I told my boss to film one shot. We were being transported around in like a big van, then we got to like a big foyer and I was complaining to someone then I started to pitch my ideas to who I perceived to be a boss.
I told her about this black top shot, about one with a red curtain in a yellow room for another shot, that room was sort of dilapidated and there was like old shoes hanging from the ceiling in some way, but the colors in there were beautiful... [To better explain what I mean about the colors, it looked as though they had been enhanced, digitally (techno-color on crack) only it was reality,] I remember there being three specific shots that I was pitching, yet now I can only remember two of them... Anyway so after I pitched to her my ideas, she was all for them, she soaked up ever word I spoke and praised my ideas. I felt really awesome and I thought to myself (in my dream) "This is what I am supposed to be doing" I am good at this.
That was the first part, the second part was also very realistic. I had invited a guy over to my house and it was my apt in every detail. We started to chat on my couch and he told me his name was Howie Mandel (yeah I know) but he had thick black hair and looked nothing like the TV Howie, but he said that he was that guy on TV but that this is what he really looked like. I was into him regardless but remembered commenting, “wow you are so smart, cuz with your hair like this and all bald on TV you wont get bothered by anyone or recognized right…” so I was flirting with him a little waiting for him to kiss me or something and I slid underneath his left arm but somehow wrapped his right arm around me and he squeezed my right breast. I thought at that point that we’d move to the making out portion of the date at least but that is when he decided to leave. I was really bummed out and felt rejected. I asked him if he at least had fun (you know to imply if he would be returning) and he said; “eh… it was alright I guess.” I also knew in my head that I didn’t have his number or anything to call him back. So I woke up sorta with that bummed feeling …
Maybe it should be noted that I drank my share last night… and am a tad bit sickly feeling this morning due to it.. I wouldn’t call it a hangover, but it is a not good feeling…
So i dont know what that means but at least i have a idea for this guys graphic now... the tree one.. it was so cool in my head, I hope I can translate it..