Body: W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . *
1) Pierce your nose or tongue? Uhm I want my lip done.
2) Be serious or be funny? funny :) ask anyone who knows me
3) Drink whole or skim milk? im a huge skim fan. whole milk is for fat people..
* . . . A R E Y O U . . .*
4) simple or complicated? Hm I'd say pretty complicated
* . . . D O Y O U P R E F E R . . . *
5) Flowers or angels? flowers i geuss... angels can be scary
6) Grey or gray? Gray.
7) Color or black-and-white photos? black and whites. It bring out the simplicity of life.
8) Lust or love? Ive been pretty lustful lately
9) Sunrise or sunset? Both. Fall asleep to the sunset, wakeup with the sunrise.
10) M&Ms or Skittles? M&Ms, i hate skittles.
11) Rap or rock? rock
12) Staying up late or waking up early? staying up late. im a night owl.
13) TV or radio? TV. music videos.
15) Eating apples or oranges? im really picky about my apples, so oranges. But sometimes it hurts stomach.
* . . A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . . *
16) Do you have a crush?: indeed
17) Who is it? starts with a D and ends with an AREN
18) Being hot or cold? Cold only if I have plenty of blankets. But otherwise, hot. I live in FL, duh.
19) Tall members of the opposite sex or shorter? TALLER
20) Sun or moon? Moon. The sun seems like it would be a snobby bitch.
21) Emeralds or rubies? emeralds. and cities.
22) Left or right? ambidexterous
23) Having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? Hm this is a hard one. 10 aquaintences, then you have more people who can get you places.
24) Sun or rain? rain in the winer, sun in the summer.
25) Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? im a total chocolate fan. my face is phish food though...
26) Green beans or carrots? carrots
27) Boys or girls? Boys :)
28) Internet or phone? the net.
* . . . M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . *
29) What is your biggest fear in the world? finding a passion for the Real
30) Kids or no kids? nada.
31) Cat or dog? tiny puppy
32) Half empty or half full? medium.
33) Mustard or ketchup? ketchup, i hate mustard
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books? hard
35) Newspaper or magazine? magazines
36) Sandals or sneakers? converse
37) Wonder or amazement? amazment.
38) Red car or white car? white
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich? content and middle-class.
40) Singing or dancing? Singing
41) Hugging or kissing? *sigh* im a cuddler.
42) Corduroy or plain? plain...
43) Happy or sad? happy
45) Blondes or brunettes? brunnettes!!!!!!!!!!
* . . . A B O U T Y O U . . . *
What time is it? 1:18
Nicknames: Steph, Stephie, Dilla, tess
Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake? 17
Date that you regularly blow them out? wtf..
Pets? none
Height? 5''10
Eye color? Forrest green
Hair color? espresso java.
Piercing(s)? no
* . . . W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . .
Where do you want to live? NYV
How many kids do you want? 0
What kind of job do you want? lawyer, actor, musical theatre stuff, thinker.
Do you want to get married? if someone comes along, sure. I really would want to.
. . . W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . .
2 door or 4 door (on a car): 4 is more effiecient
Coffee or ice cream? coffeeeeeeee
Shampoo or conditioner? shampoo
Bridges or tunnels? tunnels.
One pillow or two? one
* . . . F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing? ranch
Color of socks? pink
Toothpaste? colgate vanilla mint
Food? wow i have a list.
Toothbrush? the kind with the tongue cleaner on the back
Alcoholic drink? daquris
Non-alcoholic drink? vitamin water
* . . . R A N D O M . . . *
1 MINUTE AGO: coloring..
I DRIVE: 2004 rio
I MISS: junior high
I LEARNED: not to count on people
I KNOW: that youre the only one who can get you where you wanna go
I NEED: to wash this mask off my face, but im typing in this instead
I THINK: youre hot.
Current Clothes: White spaghetti strap and black cheerleader shorts
Current mood: bored.
Current Music: FOB
Current Taste: cream of chicken.
Current Hair: a sloppy bun. i know. im lazy today
Current Annoyance: wade whining in my ear
Current Smell: wood
Current thing I should be doing: washing my face
Current Book: im in retard english.
Current Refreshment: multi-v lemonade
What time is it now? 1:22