Aquarium pics

Sep 09, 2014 15:07

After Botcon, I went to the Aquarium of the Pacific down in Long Beach, because I love me some aquariums. They had a lot of cool exhibits! I also went whale-watching which has enough pictures to be in its own post, so I'm making that one after this.

There was a really impressive blue whale statue in the entrance foyer!

Baby swell sharks!

I am among my kin.

so many seahorsies

The pinkest exhibit.


WOOO, BIRDS! There's a black-necked stilt on the left, and the rest are buffleheads.

Tufted puffin!

Rainbow lorikeets <3<3
I bought an impressive number of nectar cups to feed them, they were so cute and pretty. One of them hung out on my head for a while! Luckily, I didn't get pooped on. XD


Tiny pufferfish.

OH MY GOD NATURE WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS. This is just gratuitous. It's obscene. It's... probably super delicious with butter sauce.

Heeeeey Ravyn look, it's a giant isopod!

A chambered nautilus.

Bamboo sharks! I love sharks. They were in a touch pool and were so chill about getting petted.

yay pictures

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