Characters: Lorne and Tara
Location: a street corner
Description: Tara is offered a job
Tara: *wanders down the street past some big buildings softly singing "Under Your Spell"*
Lorne: *taken by your voice and is slightly confused, so approaches you* Excuse me. I couldn't help but notice and I'm gonna hafta go out on a limb and say that you're Tara?
Lorne: btw hon, hon your voice is gorgeous.
Tara: *turns and looks at you slightly taken aback* I am b-but how did you know and who are you? *fingers the stake in her sleeve*
Tara: thank you
Lorne: wowowo, there my little muse. I'm a friend of Angel's, you know dark, tall and mopey. Yes, I'm a demon, but definitely not the bad kind. You see I have the ability to read people's futures through their singing and I couldn't help but see Willow and you meeting again. Her reaction told me who you were. I've had my share of experience of reading about loved ones that come back from the dead. Aren't I just lucky?
Tara: *nods slightly, relaxing a little and stops fingering the stake in her sleeve* The Host I've heard about you. *extends hand* nice to meet you
Lorne: *extends hand to return shake* The pleasure is all mine. You're the first talented person I've heard since I came to this hick town.
Tara: *blushes* well thank you
Lorne: NONONO and I mean this honestly, thank you. It's one of the first times I don't have a headache after reading someone and that feels good
Tara: *smiles softly* well that is a good thing headaches are not of the good
Lorne: I hate them...Listen I'm gonna be opening my bar around here somewhere, I'm actually out looking for possible sights, and I was wondering if you wanted a job or something.
Tara: *eyes widen* a job? really? that would be fantastic. I would be honored
Lorne: as long as I get a chance to hear that pretyy little voice of yours, this pit might be survivable
Tara: *smiles* yes of course I can sing anything just let me know
Lorne: listen where are you staying?
Tara: I'm staying at the Marriot down the street a little ways
Lorne: Well listen, if the place I get has more the one room you can stay with me, but for now I'll call you there
Tara: *nods* yes ok thank you here is my cell phone number *gives you the number*
Lorne: *takes it with a smile* ...and here I thought today was gonna be a quiet day like all the rest
Tara: and here I thought getting back into the swing of life was gonna be hard especially finding a job
Lorne: Well, you saved me alot of time trying to find someone who I don't mind on the stage. Now I just need to find someone who can actually mix a cosmopolitan
Tara: *nods* those are good
Lorne: No honey,they aren't just good. They're my life's blood and I was heartbroken to leave Jimmy in in L.A.
Tara: *frowns* I'm very sorry I wish I knew how to make really really good ones for you. but I don't think the ones I make are that good, but then again I don't really drink so I probably wouldn't know a good one if it jumped out and bit me
Lorne: *smirks* Listen honey, after a few hours of listening demons sing you'll be an old pro or maybe five minutes of Angel singing
Tara: *laughs* so Angel can't sing huh? that's ok *whispers* neither can Willow *normal voice* I would certainly like to try to make drinks for you I used to have to m-make them for my family when I was younger
Lorne: well, if you wanna take a crack at it I won't stop you, but if trust me I'm real picky
Tara: like I said I will try I'm not sure if they will be to your liking but I had to make drinks for my father and brother after ..after..*tears up and can't finish*
Lorne: ohhhand if they come antwhere near you again they'll never hear another word
Tara: *smiles slightly as a few tears slip out*
prenatalbrat: Come here *grabs for a hug* you know who's your real family and that's all that matters
Lorne: I'd love to see your family try and do something with the rest of us looking out for you
Tara: *hugs back* yeah Dawn and Buffy and everyone threatened them several years ago bet they didn't even know or care I was dead
Lorne: So then they aren't your family. Trust me, family isn't who birthed you, it's who cares for you
Tara: *nods* your right I should say my blood kin, Buffy and Dawn and Willow and everyone else is my family
Lorne: that's the let's just see a smile and let the sun push away those rain clouds
Tara: *smiles for you*
Lorne: now that's better
Tara: thank you umm ... I just realized I don't know your name
Lorne: oh yeah, well, I'm Lorne
Tara: I'm Tara MaClay but you knew that
Lorne: yes I did
Tara: do you want to go somewhere?
Lorne: but I don't really know you so don't think I'm some kinda all knowing demon 'cause honey there ain't anything farther from the truth
Tara: *nods* good cause that would be a bit creepy
Lorne: I'm just looking around for possible sites for the new club, if you wanna comealong you aremore then welcome
Tara: *smiles* I would love to it beats wandering the streets
Tara: *grins* which way are we going?
Lorne: we're goin' downtown.
Lorne: *starts whistling showtunes*
Tara: ok great *walks with you in that direction*
Tara: *hums "Under Your Spell"*