• reply to this post and I will pick six of your icons
• make a post (including this info) and talk about the icons I chose
• other people can then comment to you and make their own posts
• this will create a never ending cycle of icon glee
response to Ferret-chanXDDD
A certain red head person made this for me. xD I adore it so much, because I love Duzell's Kyarru form, and that was the part where he was about to pounce and did pounce on poor Lady Ramia to bite her and take her blood to see if she was the reincarnation of Phelios. XD that cracked me up so much and Vord coughed trying to hide his laughter, and Ishtar had that evil look on her face, just priceless XDDD
I made this myself. Anise is such a bubbly character. She's cute and adorable, but when she messes things up, she has that look, like that and goes "oh no!" a lot so yeah xDD inspired by that xD
Ah, young Jade. Not much to say. I love Jade Curtiss. The most sarcastic and hilarious guy in the world of Tales of the Abyss. You can't have TOA without Jade's sarcasm and jokes that are funny. XD
Necromancer is what Jade is known as, most the time. He is famous for that name, that he animates corpse and stuff like that XD He's just the lovely and awesomeness JadeXD I thougth this icon was beautiful also XDD
GODS, LOVE Godchild. I am obsessed with Kaori Yuki-san's works. Her drawings are remarkably beautiful and they attract my attention. Godchild is chilling and interesting, as well as mysterious and demented. This is an image of Cain, the main character, with a needle. I believe it was in the chapter about how this girl Rebecca was crippled by her mother and killed her mother. In confinement she made dolls that look like real people, and then killed them, and put their souls in the bodies of dolls that they would be her friends forever. She tried to turn Cain's sister into a living doll, with this needle, and Cain who was supposedly knocked out by the drug chloroform, was actually feigning and stopped the poison woman from trying to paralyze his pretty younger half sister.XDD Cain just looks lovely creepy here ><
When Jade gets overwhelmed or just you know, out of it xDD. Again, I have an obsession for Jade Curtiss. He's just an a unique and fabulous character XDD; His voice actors Dubbed English and Japanese are totally great
More spammage. OKAY I am done I SWEAR >3>