(no subject)

Mar 17, 2004 10:38

Who was your first love (if you've had one)?: [i've never had one]

Do you miss them (if your not still together)?: [agian i've never had one]

First kiss: [13]


If you could take back one thing you did, what would it be and why?: [slacking off 1st semester]

Do you have any regrets?: [not really]

Last thing you said?: [yeah]

Last song you heard: [i cant even remember]

Last person you talked to: [tamara]

If you could get back together with an ex, who would it be and why?: [danny and he taked to me alot]


What are you doing right now?: [this survey]

What cd is in your cd player?: [the beatles]

Are you cold?: [im normal]

How are you sitting?: [in a chair]

Is there music on?: [no]

If so, what song is it?: [^]

What time is it?: [10:44am]

Where are your parents?: [my das at work and my mom is downstairs]


How old will you be when you graduate high school?: [18 hopefully]

Are you going to get married?: [yes]

Although you cant tell who you'll marry, is there anyone you'd wish it would be?: [i dont know]

Are you going to have children?: [i dont really want to]

If yes, how many?: [0 or one]

What will you name them?: [i dont know]

Do you want to go to college?: [yes!]

Which college: [i dont think that matters right now]

What kind of car will you want to drive: [i have no clue but it wont be anythign special]

What kind of job will you have: [i dont know]

Whats your expectations for when your 25?: [to have a steady relationship not be living at home and having decent a job]

--Have you ever--

Prank called the police: [no]

Been followed, etc by the police: [no]

Been high: [yes]

Been drunk: [yes]

Stolen anything: [not purposely]

Met someone off the net: [no]

Been in a fist fight: [no]

Punched your sibling/parent: [no]

Wished you'd die: [no]

Tried to commit suicide: [no]

Broken a bone: [no]

Driven illegally: [no]

Thrown things at your parents: [no]

Runaway: [no]

Filled out a survey this long: [yes ive done longer]


Do you write in cursive or print?: [print, it easier]

Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: [lefty]

Do you believe in God?: [i guess]

Whats your religion?: [baptist?]

What do you think of rainbows?: [pretty]

Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: [yes my ears]

If so, where?: [my ears]

If not, do you want any, where?: [I want my lip peirced]

What do you think of Eminem?: [hes disgusting and i hope he dies...literally]

Is Tupac Shakur really dead?: [i dont know i dont care i didnt even know he was dead till last year]

If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: [italy, england, florida, california. new york]

Do you drive?: [i wish]

Do you have braces or glasses?: [braces]

Like milk and cookies?: [i like milk and cookies...sometimes]

Ever worn black nail polish?: [yes, what was it thinking]

If your a guy, have you ever painted your nails?: [im a girl]

Girls, what color nail polish do you have on?: [red]

If you could have a 6th sense, what would it be?: [i have no clue]

If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: [be invisible]

Do you do things even when your parents say no?: [i try to]

Ever taken anything from a hotel?: [no]

Did you talk to your crush/bf/gf today?: [no]

age: 14
hometown: katy texas
right handed or left handed: lefty
have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no

britney or christina: christina
justin timberlake or tom cruise: tom cruise
rap or pop: pop
r&b or rock: rock
computer or cell phone: computer
read or write: read
france or paris: paris
hawaii or new york: new york if i was shopping hawii if i was relaxing
pink or purple: pink
white or black: white
colored photos or black and white photos: black and white
chinese food or western food: western
bikini or 1 piece bathing suit: bikini
your eyes or nose: eyes
your nose or hair: hair
everlasting love or a fling: love
skirt or shorts: skirt
sleeveless or long-sleeve: long-sleeved
taking pictures or have your photo taken: photo taken
day or night: day
6am or 6pm: 6pm
working or studying: working
a lawyer or a doctor: lawyer
a homemaker or a pop-star: pop star

the questions
do you and your friends quarrel very often: yeah
do you like some of your friends: i like all my friends
are you a loud and wacky person: sometimes
have a tattoo: no
do you like walking in the rain: sometimes
do you like running in the rain: no, you'll slip
do you want to become a superstar: no supermodel
have a digital camera: yes
dyed your hair into pink color before: no
have braces: yes
have most embarrassing situation: there are so many
allergic to something: yes
dumbest song: the macerana
worst movie: dude, where's my car

do you
smoke: i have but i dont regularly
curse: yes
fight: i argue
sing in the shower: sometimes
been on tv: yes
talk to yourself: yea
want to go to university: sure
want to immigrate: sure
get along well with your other half family: huh?
think your fashion style is quite cool: well the style i have in mind is cool but my wardrobe is boring
like your hair: sometimes, most of the time
like your smile: sometimes
like to give hug: yes
listen to your friends' problems: yes, but sometimes i dont care for them

last movie seen: blow
last car ride: yesterday
last cry: like a month ago
last phone call: like 2 days ago
last song you played: i dont rememeber
last word said: yeah
last friend you''ve talked to: tamara
last housechore you've done: clean my room
last book read: the facts speak for themselves
last time that you yell: monday at sarah at the mall
last time that you whisper: i dont remember
last time that you complain to ur parents: monday
last time that you fought with ur parents: not in a long time
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