100 facts...

Oct 01, 2004 11:09

I saw this on Lacey's journal, and I'm bored, so I'm going to do this. If you have the time to read '100 facts' about me, then please do so, but if not, I understand. Just comment please.

100 facts-
1. I have the oddest name for a jew
2. I was born in Brooklyn, New York...and wish I hadn't moved to Florida.
3. There's a good chance I'm leaving Florida next year to move to Europe or something better than this.
4. I want to be an actress, singer, producer, director.
5. I love Johnny Depp.
6. There are very few people I could trust.
7. I'm Italian, but not a big fan of Italian food.
8. I never met my real grandfather.
9. My bestestered friend is Ashley Ann.
10. I plan on getting married young, and having children in my mid 20's.
11. I want two girls and a boy. I'd name the girls' names to be Tessa and Jaide and I'd like the boy's name to be Jack.
12. I'm usually very undecided on things.
13. I'm very outgoing.
14. I like the ocean, and the beach, and the sun.
15. But I like rainy days too.
16. I hate school, and don't really plan on staying in it that longer. =\
17. I think I have a disease but thats just me.
18. I worry alot.
19. I don't like repeating myself.
20. My brother pisses me off.
21. I get bored kind of easily.
22. I like to be entertained.
23. I love Austin Powers.
24. I love movies.
25. I could speak spanish almost fluently.
26. I could speak giberish and piglatin.
27. I would like to move to France.
28. Or England.
29. Or Italy.
30. If you betray me, then there's not a good chance that I'm forgiving you.
31. But, I am a forgiving person. =)
32. I like to wear lots of necklaces.
33. And Rings
34. And maybe a few bracelets.
35. I never take off my watch, which has caused to leave a tan lol.
36. I have a phobia of clowns and snakes.
37. I'm content with myself.
38. But I tend to have low self-esteem.
39. To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book.
40. Pirates of the Caribbean is my favorite movie.
41. I think my uncle is a pothead flamer.
42. I'm not that hot in math.
43. My favorite colors are black and green.
44. I want a dog I could dress up.
45. and that actually moves (unlike my real dog)
46. I wish my Aunt hadn't died.
47. and that I could've seen her before she had.
48. I wish I met my real grandpa
49. I have 2 grandma's and one grandpa.
50. I miss my cousin Alison, she was my bestfriend for so long, and was basically all I had in NY.
51.So was my cousin Maria.
52. Me and my mom are close, but she gets annoying every once in a while.
53. I look back on things I've said and think of how stupid I acted.
54. I like to sleep and dream.
55. I love the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
56. I want to meet Johnny Depp.
57. My favorite flower is a Gardenia.
58. I love fast food but I need to stop eatin it lol.
59. I play basketball.
60. and volleyball.
61. and tennis.
62. I hate my feet, I think they're ugly.
63. I want a tattoo, possibly a small one, I don't like the big ones.
64. I like to dye my hair every once in a while.
65. But I think I'll just stay with my brown for now.
66. I have to re-peirce my cartilage.
67. I hate hospitals.
68. and needles.
69. I like taking pictures.
70. Showers and bath's are nice too.
71. I dont like spiders.
72. But I'm in love with Spiderman.
73. I dont like this guy Isham, he scares me.
74. But this kid Ori, he's pretty cool.
75. I like to dance.
76. and play guitar.
77. My brother won't get the hell away from me.
78. I believe I was a pirate in a previous life lol.
79. I love pirates.
80. I love talking in an english accent.
81. I dont like George Bush or John Kerry, and the world is probably going to go down the tubes cause their are two assholes running for president.
82. Ashley doesn't hate Johnny Depp =) lol.
83. I love MADTV!
84. I love Doug the Dinosaur cause he's shexy.
85. I like to swim.
86. I like Stuart.
87. My favorite comedies are Dumb and Dumber and Napolean Dynomite.
88. I like to climb trees.
89. I've always wanted a clubhouse in a tree.
90. I'm very emo.
91. I like all music.
92. Eema is mom in hebrew.
93. Darryl Strawberry (pot head baseball player) is coming to my house.
94. and so is Chris Green (Miami Dolphins Football Player '91-'95 non-pothead)
95. Ashley's sitting next to me right now.
96. I like to draw sometimes but I suck.
97. I don't remember my natural hair color.
98. I can't keep my nails long.
99. The next one is the last fact so you better enjoy it.
........100. (insert fact here)
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