what what

Jan 11, 2006 00:50

10 Bands You've Seen Live
1. Third Eye Blind!!!
2. Rilo Kiley
3. Bright Eyes & Tilly & the Wall
4. Incubus
5. Sleater-Kinney
6. Oasis
7. Motion City Soundtrack
8. Queens of the Stone Age
9. BSB!!
10. Green Day & Blink 182

09 Things You're Looking Forward To
1. returning to Purchase.
2. scavenger hunt.
3. Broken Social Scene live!
4. Jenny Lewis live (hopefully)
5. getting my drivers license.
6. seeing a boy or two.
7. snow.
8. sleepover tomorrow at kaths.
9. katies birthday.

08 Things You Wear Daily
1. jeans
2. shirt
3. bra
4. undies
5. makeup
6. socks
7. uh...hairtye.
8. shoes.

07 Things That Annoy You
1. when people tYpE lIkE tHiS
2. when my internet goes down
3. when i have to pee every five seconds
4. homophobia.
5. my mom
6. my sister
7. burping.

06 Things You Touch Every Day
1. my lips.
2. the computer keys.
3. toothbrush
4. cd player.
5. my bedsheets
6. the floor

05 Things You Do Every Day
1. wake up
2. Listen to music
3. wash my face.
4. Look at my LJ
5. eat.

04 Bands I really like right now:
1. Rilo Kiley
2. Ted Leo & the Pharmasists
3. Dispatch
4. Tegan & Sara

03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Gone With the Wind
2. Reality Bites
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment
1. Two Coins - Dispatch
2. I Remember - Damien Rice
(and, as always Girl From the North Country - Bob Dylan & Johnny Cash)

01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With
huh...at the moment, Jake Gyllenhaal. woo. love them gay cowboys.
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