Because I'm Easily Amused, and Easily Bored.

Aug 02, 2005 21:00

Long Survey About You And You're Boyfriend

Created by strongsurvive and taken 165 times on bzoink!
About YouHow Old Are You?18Whens Your Birthday?February 22ndWhats Your Sign?PiscesHow Many Siblings Do You Have?TwoWhat Are Their Names?Keri and AndrewAre Your Parents Still Together?YesIf Not, Why Not?N/AWhat Are Some Of Your Hobbies?Writing, reading, singing & dancing, malling, hanging with friends, talking to my bfWhats Your Favorite Genre Of Music?RockWho Is Your Favorite Band/ Artist?Right now, Seether & Breaking BenjaminWhat Are Your Bad Habits?Nail biting, being late for things, procrastinationWhat Are You Self Concious About?Sometimes my bodyWhat Do You Want In Your Future?Husband, kids, good job, fun at collegeYou Wanna Get Married?YesDo You Want Kids?YesIf So, How Many?3 or 4What Do You Look Like...Hair Color:Dyed black, growing out my natural dark brown because I am too lazy to color it anymoreEye Color:BrownishHow Tall Are You?Almost 5'5Weight:130ishBest Part Of Yourself:Not exactly sureWorst Part Of Yourself:Not exactly sure of that eitherIf You Could Look Like Anyone Who Would It Be?I'd be me stillAre You Happy With Yourself?YesIf Not, Why Not?N/AIf You Can Change Anything About The Way You Appear What Would It Be?Not sureAbout Your Personality... Either OrHappy or SadHappyShy Or Outgoing?OutgoingOpenMinded Or Stubborn?A little of bothJealous Or Not?Jealous sometimesDo You...Have Your Future Planned Out?Some of itEnjoy Life?Yeah for the most partLike To Laugh?Yeah definitely! ^__^Like To Try New Things?SometimesCry A Lot?More than I want toWanna Die?NoWish Life Were Better?Not really, it's good as it isAbout HimHow Old Is He?26When IS His Birthday?October 28thDoes He Have Any Siblings?YeahIf Yes, How Many/ Who Are They?4: David, Carl, Christy & CaseyAre His Parents Still Together?No, he doesn't even know who his father isIf Not, Why Not?He doesn't knowWhats His Sign?ScorpioWhat Are His Hobbies?Lots of things, heheWhats His Favorite Genre Of Music?RockWho Is His Favorite Band/ Artist?GodsmackDoes He Have Any Bad Habits?Well yes? Everyone does?If Yes, What Are They?... What Does He Look Like...Hair:Dark, almost blackEyes:BrownHeight:5'9Weight:155Your Favorite Part Of Him:Everything heheYour Least Favorite Part:N/AIf You Could Change Anything In His Appearence, Would You?No I like him the way he isIf So What Would It Be?*shrug*Why?N/AAbout His Personality... Either Or...Happy Or Sad?Happy for the most partJealous Or Not?JealousOver Protective, Protective, Or Not Enough?ProtectiveCaring Or Selfish?Both actuallyEmotional Or Apathetic?EmotionalDoes He...Enjoy Life?YesMake You Laugh?All the timeMake You Happy?YesMake You Sad?SometimesPhysically Hurt You?NoWhat About Emotionally?SometimesLike To Give You Attention?YeahGet Annoyed By You?Not very oftenCriticize You?Not reallyHave Problems With Your Friends?NoForbid You From Doing Certain Things?Yeah but I really didn't want to do them in the first placeIf Yes, What Does He?Getting tattoos and junk like that.LOVEDoes He Say I Love You?YesDo You Say I Love You?YesAre You Eachothers First Love?NoDo You Wanna Get Married?YesCan You See You 2 Getting Married?YesDo You Want To Have Kids?YesHave You...Held Hands?NoKissed?NoMade Out?NoOral?NoGone All The Way?NoAnything Else?Note: LONG DISTANCEWilling To Share?See aboveIs He...The Love Of Your Life?Yes I think soPerfect?No one is perfectAll You Ever Wanted?YesWhat You Hoped For?YesYour Ideal Guy?Probably not but idealism is lameDo You Want To...Hold Hands?YesKiss?YesFrench Kiss?YesOral?YesGo All The Way?YesAnything Else?YesIf So, Willing To Share?Anything we're both willing to doAbout This SurveyWas It Fun?Yeah it wasWant To Continue?SureSad Its Almost Over?Kind ofWas It Worth Doing?YeahTake Up Your Time As You Planned?lol No I still have more timeAny Last Thoughts?I love you Jason! <3
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Bold the ones You've Done...

smoked a cigarette
smoked a cigar
madeout with a member of the same sex
crashed a friend's car (I wasn't driving it, I was driving the car that crushed his)
stolen a car
been in love
been dumped
been fired
been in a fist fight
snuck out of my parent's house
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
been arrested
made out with a stranger
gone on a blind date
lied to a friend
had a crush on a teacher
been to Europe
skipped school
slept with a co-worker (Before he was my co-worker, does that count?)
seen someone die
had a crush on one of your LJ friends
been to Canada
been to Mexico
been on a plane
thrown up in a bar
purposely set a part of myself on fire
eaten Sushi
been snowboarding
been moshing at a concert
been in an abusive relationship
taken painkillers
love someone or miss someone right now
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
made a snow angel
had a tea party
flown a kite
built a sand castle
gone puddle jumping
played dress up
jumped into a pile of leaves
gone sledding
cheated while playing a game
been lonely
fallen asleep at work/school
used a fake id
watched the sunset
felt an earthquake
touched a snake
slept beneath the stars
been tickled
been robbed
been misunderstood
petted a reindeer/goat
won a contest
run a red light I had to, my brakes were stuck/broken
been suspended from school
been in a car accident
had braces
felt like an outcast
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
had deja vu
danced in the moonlight
hated the way you look
witnessed a crime
pole danced
questioned your heart
been obsessed with post-it notes
squished barefoot through the mud
been lost
been to the opposite side of the country
swam in the ocean
felt like dying
cried yourself to sleep
played cops and robbers
recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
sung karaoke
paid for a meal with only coins
done something you told yourself you wouldn't
made prank phone calls
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
caught a snowflake on your tongue
danced in the rain
written a letter to Santa Claus
been kissed under a mistletoe
watched the sun rise with someone you care about
blown bubbles
made a bonfire on the beach
crashed a party
gone rollerskating
had a wish come true
humped a monkey
worn pearls
jumped off a bridge
screamed penis in class
ate dog/cat food
told a complete stranger you loved them
kissed a mirror
sang in the shower
have a little black dress
had a dream that you married someone
glued your hand to something
got your tongue stuck to a flag pole
kissed a fish
worn the opposite sexes clothes
been a cheerleader
sat on a roof top
screamed at the top of your lungs
done a one-handed cartwheel
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
stayed up all night
didn’t take a shower for a week
pick and ate an apple right off the tree
climbed a tree
had a tree house
are scared to watch scary movies
believe in ghosts
have more then 30 pairs of shoes
worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say
gone streaking
played ding-dong-ditch
played chicken
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
been told you're hot by a complete stranger
broken a bone
been easily amused
caught a fish then ate it
made porn
caught a butterfly
laughed so hard you cried
cried so hard you laughed
mooned/flashed someone
had someone moon/flash you
cheated on a test
have a Britney Spears CD
forgotten someone’s name
slept naked
French braided someone’s hair
gone skinny dippin in a pool
been threatened to be kicked out of your house
been kicked out your house

I love you Jason!!!!!!1
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