I meant to write about the book that I am reading. It is Understanding Sexual Violence: A Study of Convicted Rapists by Diana Scully and published in 1990
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"Stupid sterotypes of sexuality and gender differences need to be torn down because that only contributes to general inequality and to justification of men degrading women." Isn't this just one more stereotype. Imean I read this and what I see is you labling all men as potential rapists? Because of the culture we live in...Modern culture. Rape has been around for a very long time. Not just modern culture. In fact in this country we actually put people in jail for it, unlike many other "modern cultures", and all of the arcaic ones
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I like some of your ideas about educating teenagers, but it would never happen. Society is afraid of these kinds of ideas. We're afraid that "our children" really do know the realities of sex (and drugs and violence too), and we want to try and keep them hidden from the evils of any and all sexuality as long as possible. Until we as a society realize that this kind of protection and refusal to admit certain realities is doing more damage than goodwill, this kind of reform will never occur, and thats a shame. We get so damn conservative about every little thing we might as well force every child to live in a bubble until they turn 21, and are magically mature enough to "see the light". Things that were "tabboo" in the 50's just don't hold anymore, and things that society never wanted to admit existed HAVE TO BE talked about, and studied, and learned at an early age. We need to come to terms with our new reality
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"We're afraid that "our children" really do know the realities of sex (and drugs and violence too), and we want to try and keep them hidden from the evils of any and all sexuality as long as possible.
Until we as a society realize that this kind of protection and refusal to admit certain realities is doing more damage than goodwill" How so? How is it doing more damage?
In this country I highly doubt that you'd ever get away with teaching "healthy sexuality". Even with the poor sex education we do seem to be moving away from the "women give sex" viewpoint that I find so absolutely disgusting
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I think that if you were going to do this kind of research it would be interesting to have a standardized test/form to look for things such as biological factors, chemical, environmental, etc. Rape is a crime of violence, and even males who have willingly undergone castration, have returned to their ways and used bottles and other things to penetrate. I would almost take the opposite view and say that instead of having so much sexuality out there, and explained/shown to people, why not cut back on it? I wonder how rape statistics (accounting for some factor of unreported rapes) have changed with the advent of the internet, the porn cable channels, relaxed standards in movies and on TV, etc... If you see it in front of your face all the time, it makes it a lot easier to do. And you can explain how fake 99% of pornography is to young males all you want, but in the end, it's not going to matter, because they don't always think with the head on their necks, they think with the one below the belt...
Comments 7
Until we as a society realize that this kind of protection and refusal to admit certain realities is doing more damage than goodwill" How so? How is it doing more damage?
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