Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week at my school are dedicated to Take Back the Night and educating about sexual violence. I had assumed that I would not be able to attend the actual Take Back the Night speak out and demonstration but it turns out it is this Wed not this Tues. And so I will attend
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Comments 14
And you are right there just is no level of respect. I mean I don't mean to knock the party scene or anyone who drinks. I do believe there is a such thing as responsible drinking but I rarely see anyone who truly knows their limits or who even watches out for their friends limits. I have never gone to a party on campus.
Spiked cases are different. It's sad when the wrong friends are trusted. Whichever case, the blame should not fall on rape victims. Because they feel shitty and guilty enough.
It's a shame the way sexual violence can follow a person. I know that I've had a number of instances as well.
Whatever happened to where a girl could go to a party with a couple friends, and have one of them watch her back. Its like its just too much work to watch out for someone. To have one person that doesn't get smashed.
You should try giving a survey to a bunch of frat boys. But wait till their drunk. Then you'll really see what goes through their fucked up minds. I hate stereo typing, but its pretty hard not to when it comes to frat boys. Its just that they tend to be the poster boys of the drunken college life that so many students lead.
These sounds like the same numbers from 1989 when I took a Rape Crisis Counseling course in college. I would guess that some of these numbers are higher now, now that more women are realizing they are not the only victims and reporting the crimes.
Go ahead and get up there and speak. You've been talking about it here for a long time, and I've seen that it's gotten easier for you to discuss. The fact that there may be people you know listening is a good thing. One of them may also be a victim, but has been too scared to talk about it. If they realize that there is someone else that they know who has suffered, then they might be able to muster up the strength to finally talk about it too.
For real...this shit is sexist. How many women could get away with castration if we just claimed to be too drunk? None that I know of.
I agree...healing is awesome, and I'm glad we have TBTN, but we all need to be doing more. You know how I feel. If I find out that someone I know is an abuser or rapist, I have nothing more to say to them.
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