Stolen from
tipsy_twit How tall are you?: 6'0?
Have you ever smoked heroin?: You smoke heroin? I Always thought you shot it..
Do you own a gun?: No
Have you ever been arrested?: Kinda.
Rehab?: No
How many of your friends have committed suicide?: ...
Do you shave your crotch?: Fuck Yes!
Would you fuck someone in a cemetery?: mmm necrophilia
Do you ever punch yourself?: Yes
Have you ever killed an animal?: Yes
Are you Irish?: No
Who would you punch if you could?: Kaiser or..Alot of people, can't reallly think right now.
What's your favorite Christmas song?: Come All Ye Faithful
What is your favorite smell? Vanilla?
What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Chocolate Milk
Would you go to SF or NYC right now if you had the chance?: Heck Yes!
Do you do pushups?: Yes
Do you ever fantasize about murder?: Yes
Would you fuck Victoria Gotti if you could?: Depends on a couple of things.
Are you straightedge?: No
Are you vegan?: No
Do you shoplift?: I steal from the internet, does that count?
Whats the last thing you stole?: A CD
Do you ski or snowboard?: Ski
What do you think of moustaches? Nix
Do you use hair gel?: No
Do you sniff cocaine?: No
Who is your favorite serial killer?: BTK
Have you ever made out with your friend's gf?: Not that I can think of..
Have you ever been caught mid-hump?: Yes
Have you been shot?: No
Have you ever been hospitalized?: No
Do you like painkillers?: I don't know
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?: Hell if I know..
Have you ever lubed up your genitals with soy milk?: Good idea.
Do you own a knife: Yes.
Have you played ghettopoly?: No
Have you ever bought drugs in the "ghetto" or "hood"?: I guess a couple of the streets around here could be "Ghetto"
Do you have A.D.D.?: MAYBE - Hey nice Car.
How many virgins have u slept with? Goddamn, I hate me. 0
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?: iunno.
have you ever urinated in an unconventional place, say, in a glass or in a strangers living room?: Yes, males + urinate = anywherel