Oct 18, 2005 21:57
I feel so great when i'm around her...:-)
Oct 13, 2005 22:35
Can it suck and be good at the same time when you have someone on your mind all the time?
Aug 09, 2005 20:31
Updating once again. I went to ROTC tongiht for a practice type thing. I met my squad leader and my sargent for my squad. It was great. Well I must be going now good bye
Aug 06, 2005 22:42
I'm not so shure anymore...
Jul 28, 2005 20:32
Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want. it can be anonymous. Then post this to your journal and see what people remember about you.
Jul 14, 2005 15:42
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG I'm sooo happy! she said that she lieks me hehehehe I might ask her out but I am nervous. I problably will though. Well that is all bye bye
Jul 08, 2005 12:47
Rejection makes me sad....That is all. :-(
Jul 05, 2005 12:57
Summer school sucks...we have to run like 2 miles everyday it seems like. People are always picking on me and shit but I have I think 4 friends. I dont like being picked on. I say I dont care but after awhile it gets to you. I wish they would stop. Well i'm leaving it's nap time! Bye bey Have a nice day.