Gothic 95% Emo 71% Skater 62% Hoodlum/Gangsta 43% Surfer 43% Prep 29% Pot Head 24% Redneck 14% Wigger 0% What Group Do U Fit In created with lunch wiht kat and chelsea. I felt bad for Kat becasue she didn't want to buy lunch so I went and bought her some cookies...I feel like I did something nice. :-)....Well anyways i'm gunna go now so i'll talk to you guys later...Bye bye have a nice day
Ok i'm tired of people telling be to stop being emo ok im sorry if its bothering you but i have been this way for about 2 years now...and im sorry for anyone or anyhting that i am annoying with it....I'm trying to stop...Bye bye and have a nice night
I feel really sad for some reason and don't ask why....I want to cry...And i'm lonley. But I guess it was ment to be this way till I find someone if I do. Thank you Kat for the nice conversation yesterday I enjoyed it. If you have anyhting to tell me then comment but other than that...I have no news. So I will update later...Bye
What if one morning you woke up and got a phone call that I had died the night before what would you do? (copy this to you're journal and see what people think)
What if one morning you woke up and got a phone call that had died the night before what would you do? (copy this to you're journal and see what people think)
Look at me being trendy. If you woke up and I was in bed with you, what would be your first thought? (Now post this in your LJ and find out what mine would be)