Okay, just to organize this again @__@ Since I finally have a sewing machine.
miitan I told you this already. >=D You = first person to know the good news. Hahaha. Love ♥
So. Cuttime
I have all the materials, and I started the shirt + head piece. @__@; So.. 3% done. -Loser.-
Full Moon wo Sagashite - EICHI
I really want to do this. >=D But, I dont' think I'd be a good Eichi. Oh well @__@ -Has the Bleach and some fabrics.-
The Wallflower - KYOHEI
I don't have a picture, I have to get Rachel to scan it, but she's being Sunako-chan @__@~ I can't wait for this one. -Laugh.- I already have the Jacket [or say, Rachel does], and the boa is like.. five dollars at Helium Highs, so it's pretty much easy xDD DAMMIT, I have to bleach for this one too.
Macabre Tour - TOSHIYA
Rachel & Jason are doing this one with me. =D! Rachel = Shinya, Jason = Kyo.
Hahaha, I'll be amused to see Jason [thefattty -Kidding.-] in leather. xDD
829Service - TAKUMI
I think I'll have trouble finding the white fur @__@ But I have the mesh fabric, and the rest shouldn't be too hard.
Yu~ki - Beast of Blood.
Just because Rachel would be an awesome Mana. >_> And Jason = Klaha. It's a might.
Ruka - Nazuki
eisleys wanted to do this, so maybe. xDDD It should be super easy though, I just need a Ruka face >__>;;
& U-ya - D'AIR
onigokko_reita and I were talking about this, but I 'unno @__@~~
My journal has been deceased as of late. o_o But than again, everyone has been really busy, so I understand <3 Speaking of which, Rachel, I want the rest of Regret. ;o; I can play the beginning, but the rest is like "..? "
P.S, teach me how to read music notes, I lack skill.
I think I'll stay home from school tomorrow.