Title: changmin's diary
Author: xxyunjaelovexx
lenth: one shoot
genre: humour
couple: minfood, yunjae
summary: changmin is alone and he needs food, while yunjae is having fun on their own
A/N: i'm off to school now, but fisrt I'm posting this one shoot. hope you'll like it
Aish I’m so hungry, really need food. Why did Yunho-hyung have to show Jaejoong-hyung something right now? I really need him to cook something for me.
The pain, oh the pain, I think I’ll die soon.
Really why hasn’t Jae come out yet. Doesn’t he know that I need my eight meals per day to survive? I’m a growing boy.
What’s taking them so long? Why can’t Yunho just show Jae-hyung that thing he wanted to show him, instead of making him beg for it.
I can hear it so clearly.
Yeah hyung, show Jae what ever it is you wanted to show now, so he can come out and cook food for me.
Why don’t they care for their cute little dongsaeng?
HELP!!!!! I need food. NOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!
Maybe I should ask Yoochun or Junsu to cook. Nah bad idea. Yoochun would only tease me and Junsu…. All I can say is to never let him loose in the kitchen.
Talking about Yoochun and Junsu, where are they? When thinking about it I haven’t seen them for the whole day.
Jaejoong-hyung I’m starving!!!!! Save me!!!
Food…..Foood..I need foood!!!!
Looking through both the fridge and the freezer. It’s absolutely empty.
I wonder who it was that skipped his grocery shopping turn.
Bet it was junsu.
When they come out here later, they’ll find me dead, and then they’ll be sorry because they didn’t care for me enough.
If I died I bet only Jaejoong-hyung would cry….yes when thinking about it, it sounds very likely. Then he will have no one to cook for.
I think Yunho just showed Jae that thing because Jae just screamed in joy (I think)
I really need food now, I don’t care whatever they’re doing, I’m going in and I will tell Yunho that he can show Jae that thing when I have had my lunch.
My innocence oh god my innocence. (It was also the exact same thing I scream when I walked into that room and found them doing things) Guess what Yunho said.
“What innocence, you can’t possibly have any left after all those videos.”
Seriously I haven’t watched any videos.
Ok I haven’t watched any videos in a long time.
Maybe one yesterday but that doesn’t count.
I don’t think I ever will be able to eat anything again without throwing up, seriously that was disgusting.
Forget about what I said earlier about never being able to eat again. Jaejoong-hyung just cooked me a delicious meal to make up for what happened.
I swear Yunho looked like he was about to kill me when Jaejoong treated me that well. Especially when Jae told me I was his favourite Dongsaeng.
Conclusion of the day : make sure to always have food at home, and never ever walk into Jaejoong’s and Yunho’s room while Yunho want to show Jae something.