(no subject)

Dec 21, 2005 18:53

So there was this thing, right? Where once upon a time someone said “Tell us 50 things about yourself!” So, here it is. A little behind the WAVE of them, granted. But here it is anyway. :D

1. My name is Emma. (What a shocker!) And I am an ENFJ. (fancy. :D)
2. My name means “Universal”. In some kind of biblical context, it means “healer”. My middle name is Louise. It is French. But it COMES from the german (I think) Louisa. And THAT means “fights with honor”. Exciting, eh?
3. My favorite food is sushi. Maybe noodles. THAI NOODLES. With the nutty sauce whatever? Or maybe raw salmon. Oh my goodness, yes. No wait. PICKLED HERRING. That is the stuff of heaven.
4. I keep a running “things I need to do before I die” list that I update during decision making.
5. I love reindeer. They are my favorite animals. And I’m NOT just saying that because it’s Christmas. They always have been. (just sooo CUTE!!)
6. My favorite color is black. But that DOESN’T mean that I’m creepy or vampire-ish or anything. I just like black. I actually love all colors, and I’m terrible at making decisions. So I just picked black because if you think about it, black is ALL the colors in ONE. So that way, I can say that I love all colors at once by just saying that black is my favorite. :D (though I like black itself without the weird psychology behind it too)
7. I am a night person. I get all my energy at night. I am more awake at 1:00 AM then I am in the middle of the day. Something about the sun saps my energy. Unless it’s one of those sunny snow days, where there is this WHITE light that just gets into every corner of everywhere. That’s a VERY good light. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t dislike light. You know, there are a lot of pretty parts of the day too. That clear, blue light that makes going to school not so bad. Or that cool golden light that makes everything yellow! You know, the kind right before the sun starts going down? THAT is a good light. But still, the dark is my friend. And there’s more than one shade of dark too! Like the pitch black kind where you can barely see your hand in front of your face, and everything is covered in it. Or the more deep purple or blue kind that comes on a clear winter’s night! Like if you reached out it would be all velvety and stuff. It’s pretty awesome. You can see all the stars, and it just gives you this feeling of infinity, you know? Plus, You can stare at the moon all you want and you won’t go blind. :D
8. I don’t think you can control or chose your sexuality.
9. I like knitting. Except I get easily discouraged. Like right now for example, is the first time I knitted with non-standard yarn. One is thicker than the other one and it looks kind of funny and the thinner yarn somehow tapers in and isn’t as wide as the thicker one, so I have this weird looking scarf thing going on where One part is really thick and wide (like, you couldn’t look through this stuff if you wanted to), and one part that’s all thin and not as wide and you can see all the holes in it and everything. It’s pretty strange. If it were just for me, I would STILL be excited because hell, I’m weird enough as it is, and wearing a defective scarf wouldn’t raise too many questions. But this one is a gift. (What if they don’t like it?) But whatever. I STILL love to knit, even though it causes me problems in the head and this funky blister on my one finger that hurts a little, but is still pretty awesome.
10. My favorite subject in school is physics. Then history and French tied for second. English is cool too. So is math, but I kinda SUCK. (though not really, I just have problems doing my homework, so I never get any practice, and THEN I suck.)
11. I never really get sick. I have an immune system like a GOD. (but it is faulty sometimes. When I DO get sick, it gets pretty nasty. Though I try to avoid letting other people find out about it.)
12. I love to cook. Cooking is sooo much fun. If I could, I would cook every day) and cook for everyone I know. I would cook their dinners, their lunches, their breakfasts, their snacks, baking, boiling, frying, sautéing, for family, for friends, for strangers… etc. Cut the rambling and basically, I just love to cook. And I love food.
13. My favorite chocolate is MILK chocolate. I love the smoothness of it and how it’s not too strong and not too GROSS (*coughWHITECHOCOLATEcough*). I would eat it EVERY DAY.
14. I love Christmas. OH MY GOODNESS DO I LOVE CHRISTMAS. I love the no school, the snow (if you’re lucky), the family, the friends, the shopping, the getting stuck in huge assed lines because everyone else is shopping too, the giving to every single salvation army Santa person who stands with their little red buckets, the TV shows about the Christmas spirit, the history channel’s specials on every angle of the Christmas story you could ever possibly want to hear (or not), the LIGHTS in all the windows and on people’s bushes and trees, the Christmas tree, DECORATING the afore mentioned tree, making cookies, cooking Christmas dinner, eating Christmas dinner, having everyone listen to me play kindergarten level Christmas songs on the piano (the kind where only one note is going on in each hand and everyone knows it’s crap) because that’s all I can sight read decently, the people all wishing each other happy holidays, giving people gifts and getting them (I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like getting them too. XD), the FISH, and the fire in the fire place, and the general HAPPINESS that goes along with it. I love it when everyone is happy. So therefore, I love Christmas. :D
15. I believe the sun should never set upon an argument.
16. My favorite sport is archery. I have my own bow and arrows and everything. But I haven’t been down there to practice in a really long time, and I was really a beginner when I left anyway. I’m not good. I kinda suck actually. I never got the handle of my own bow. With anyone else’s bow I could hit bulls eyes all day. But mine and I never really bonded. I never got past 20 feet (away from the target that is). Mom thought that the rest of the people who were there were hillbillies or rednecks or something like that, and refused to drive me anymore.
17. If I could live in a different time period, I think I’d want to live in the medieval times. I could be a servant in the castle and see everything that went on, or catch the plague and die. Either way is fine with me. Other potential time periods would be the revolutionary war time (in America), the time of the Mayans or the Aztecs, or even the Incas, or as a native american before people started coming in, or in the age of exploration. Or as a PIRATE.
18. I love pirates. Seriously. I just think that they are sooo fascinating. I would have been a pirate. But I wouldn’t kill anyone. Not that that would make it any better. Despicable people really. But still, there’s something about the open sea and their dirty lives that’s got me hooked. A pirate’s life for me! :D
19. I love New York. It is such a cool city! The lights and the people! The anonymity and the glamour! The night life! The little shops! The BIG shops! SO much to look at, SO LITTLE TIME!! It’s my favorite city in the USA.
20. I would like to live in Paris someday. It really is beautiful there. It’s my favorite city in the world.
21. I want to become fluent in French. Then I want to learn German, Celtic or Gaelic, and maybe Russian.
22. I love all things fluffy. Or just soft in general. Be that what it may.
23. I am a hopeless and helpless romantic. I watch people getting engaged on TV like Mrs. Kulka would a football game. I am addicted to all those cutesy love movies, like Love Actually and Under the Tuscan Sun. Ask anyone who really knows me. It is the TRUTH.
24. My favorite movie is The Little Princess. EXCUSE ME PLEASE. I am obsessed. COMPLETELY. I have seen this movie countless times, and could probably recite half the thing back to you.
25. I love making lists (can we tell?). I will make them all the time and for no reason. I made one last week for example, that was “what I would take with me if I were to run away from home”, and one before that that was “what I would take with me if I were going into space for a year”. I just think it’s exciting to think. :D
26. I love taking pictures. I don’t like being in them, because I am OH SO INSECURE. But really, I will be if someone asks me to. I just love having a record of everything that has happened to me in my life so that I can go back and look at it whenever I want. Good times year round!
27. “I believe that grass is no more greener on the other side”
28. I always laugh at myself whenever I have to write down a date. It’s quite silly really, but no matter how hard I try, I can never remember what year it is. Maybe that’s not the kind of thing that MOST people find amusing. When you think about it, it’s not really the kind of thing that ANYONE should find especially entertaining. The year in which one is living should, in all honesty, be one of those things that is just innate knowledge. I mean for christ’s sake, you DO have 365 days or so to memorize it before another one rolls along. But still. ^_^
29. You know what I think is funny? Well, you know when your mom asks you to make the bed, right? Not an unusual request. But still, You always end up thinking to yourself, “Why should I? It’s just going to get messed up again.” THAT is a funny thing to say, is it not? I mean seriously. SUCH a dumb philosophy. Then when it came time to brush your teeth, you would say “Why should I? I’m just going to eat again.” then “Why should I eat again? I’m just going to get HUNGRY again.” Well, you can’t go without eating, because then you would die. And if you didn’t brush your teeth, then your mouth would resemble a very moist white city after being assaulted by something very big, smelly, and explode-y. I don’t see how not making the bed would endanger your life, but the philosophy still stands.
30. I would REALLY like to know how you define a donut. Is it just a piece of dough that is fried and has the middle cut out? But then why can’t you take a funnel cake, cut the middle out, and call THAT a donut? People would KNOW. They would say “That is no donut, that is a funnel cake with a hole in it.” And anyway, not ALL donuts have HOLES. Some are filled with various fruity or creamy centers. Then again, so are various OTHER pastries. BUT PEOPLE KNOW. When they look at a donut, they KNOW it is a donut and NOT one of those other (probably French) pastry type things. HOW DO WE DO IT? Or more importantly, HOW does one define a donut? Weird.
31. I really want to see like, every musical ever. And every play. And every movie.
32. I think nothing has ever been more true than the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words”. I mean, just looking at ONE picture, you can get a million things out of it! Like a picture of a random house in the country, right? Well what is it for? Did someone die there? Did someone fall in love there? Was someone born there? Was it a secret hideout to a group of refugees? Or just to a little kid (not a goat) and his friends? Where did the money to build the house come from? Where did the wood come from? Had someone accidentally sawed off a finger while cutting the wood? Did someone fall off and die while it was being built? Is there BLOOD on your wood? Or the people in the house! Where were they born? Were they an ex-convict or a murderer or something? Did they have children? Did they want them? How many times have they gotten their heart broken? Have they ever been unfaithful? How many times have they been in love? Are they in love right now? What does this person dream of? I’m gonna stop now, but do you get my drift? Worth a thousand words.
33. I am TERRIFIED of public speaking.
34. I love vanilla ice cream. Or chocolate chip. Nothing too fancy.
35. I actually like vanilla anything.
36. Hot chai or hot chocolate are my favorite drinks.
37. I think that Alcohol is a vile substance (when taken in large amounts) that can corrupt even the best of people.
38. I love socks. ALL SOCKS. Except those kinds that don’t go above your ankles. Eww. Those are gross.
39. I really think that this should count as 50 now. BUT I WILL PRESS ON.
40. I love reading the backs of shampoo bottles. I can’t explain it, I just really REALLY DO.
41. I love to sing. LALALALA. Except no really. I can’t sing to save my LIFE, but I am always singing something. Music is AMAZING. I sing in the shower, and in my room, and in the school choir. But otherwise I’m too embarrassed.
42. I love to read, but for some reason I have fallen behind lately. I haven’t even finished HARRY FREAKING POTTER for some reason. School has KILLED IT ALL. But I will get back into it soon, no worries.
43. I love sitting and looking for shapes in the clouds. Or the wallpaper. Or food. Or anything really. I think it’s exciting. (I do it all the time really. xD)
44. I love making up silly games, like “don’t step on the cracks” or “only step on every other brick” or “don’t step on any snow”. Silly is good for the SOUL!! :D
45. I love playgrounds. Any old playground will do nicely. I love swings especially. And closing my eyes while I swing.
46. I LOVE honeysuckle. It’s like, nature’s little miracle.
47. I have my permit! But I am too scared to call the instructor lady because it’s been sooo long and I don’t want her to hate me or something. ^^;
48. I believe we place our happiness in other people’s hands.
49. I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul.
50. I believe in love surviving death until eternity.
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