Title: Skip the Charades Pairing/Character(s): Derek/Addison, Derek, Addison, Nancy, and Amelia. Rating: PG-13 Summary: For bluberrykisses, some sibling bickering (angst!?), with Addison as a (sleeping) bystander.
Awe, well, the unfortunate thing is that Derek's sisters have always taken Addison's side over Derek's, Well, Amelia and Nancy have at least. But at the same time, it's what makes me like them so much.
I like that they gave her at least a few people on her side, even if they did have to be in the family she isn't a part of any longer. Thanks for reading.
This is really good. I've often wanted to read some details of Derek's absence and this was (bleakly) perfect. I thought everyone was very much in character - especially Amelia. I love how you kept her in character at a younger age.
Poor Addie. (Still, you know where I stand on the compensation offered to her, lol! Let's hope he did cheer her up!)
Comments 8
Poor Addie. (Still, you know where I stand on the compensation offered to her, lol! Let's hope he did cheer her up!)
"I don't care. I'm already gone." This? So perfect. It's pretty much Derek's marital epitaph.
Your Derek/Addison is so spot on.
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