Title: Signs of Life Pairing: Sam/Addison, but everyone is in this thing. Rating: R, for disturbing circumstances. Word Count: Crazy long, 9467. Summary: The brief telling of Sam and Addison through one event.
Oh my god, this is so ridiculously good, and even though I'm used to how amazing your work is and it shouldn't really surprise me at this point, this still hit me in the gut. So, so good. Heart wrenching, powerful, and that way you have of dropping a line at the beginning that I just pass by and then it hits me hard later on and I realize what it all meant. You are incredible and this story ... you remain the only writer who's been able to make me think anything of Sam except for white hot rage. I actually feel like I get him when you write him. And this is sad, beautiful, great, and did I mention my obsession with how you write Addison and her parents?
THIS: "“Well, Dear, you never were a good judge of character.”" Just...this. Guh.
I feel about Sam how I do about Derek, I feel like I get it...kind of. They're still douches though. Super glad you of all people liked it, and you pulled my favorite part. Damn, Bizzy, I only wish she'd had the opportunity to encounter that kind of situation.
Comments 5
THIS: "“Well, Dear, you never were a good judge of character.”"
Just...this. Guh.
Amazing as usual. Never ever stop writing!
Thank you!
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