Title: Eulogy For Evolution
Pairing: Addison, Sam/Addison, Derek/Addison, Amelia, and Mark.
Rating: R.
Part: 2/3, previous:
variations of staticSummary: For
winter_machine, forever ago. A rewrite of Season 5, plus some Derek, and a whole lot of flashbacks.
...and they have escaped the weight of darkness )
Comments 2
I loved it! I loved the flashbacks and the connections between all of these people in some sad, twisted way. I love Addison in this and Amelia. Sam, I do love anyway. Derek is a bit blergh, but that might just be because I don't really like him anymore on the show. Mike is precious, as always. Do continue and I will get onto the email soon.
Derek's an ass who always gets into things and messes them up, I'm glad you're blah about him, I am too.
Hope you've been well!
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