Title: They Bring Me to You Pairing: Mark/Addison, bits of Derek/Addison Rating: PG-13 Summary: Pre-Seattle. Addison ends up on a camping excursion during Spring Break. For: phelipa
I'm totaly reading this at my friends house while she's sleeping. (Yes, i'm so pathetic I sneak on people's computers because I have fanfiction withdraw) anyway, this was so good and the last line was just pure perfection. I can totaly picture Addison freaking out for being scared while she's camping and the fact that Mark was there for her made me very, very happy. You're an incredible writer♥
he'll never forget the moment she first molded herself against him, a seemingly perfect fit under the wisps of clouds and burning stars
Aw! This is lovely - gentle, funny, intimate, a little bit poignant and so very them. I loved their comfort together: they do fit! In my head, Mark is never quite so comfortably happy as when things are momentarily working out with Addison. I think that was also true on the show and I had a real sense of that here at the end. Just lovely - thank you :)
I was thinking that when Mark is feeling good about them, his world is amazing, but at the same time Addison's is painfully imploding, that's why I love them. Glad you liked it, thank you! :)
'Addison knew the second she met Derek Shepherd that her life was never going to be the same, just not in the way Derek assumed it would be infinitely different. '
'She knew she would never be able to forget the day she met Derek Shepherd, because it was also the day she met Mark.'
Comments 9
Aw! This is lovely - gentle, funny, intimate, a little bit poignant and so very them. I loved their comfort together: they do fit! In my head, Mark is never quite so comfortably happy as when things are momentarily working out with Addison. I think that was also true on the show and I had a real sense of that here at the end. Just lovely - thank you :)
I was thinking that when Mark is feeling good about them, his world is amazing, but at the same time Addison's is painfully imploding, that's why I love them. Glad you liked it, thank you! :)
I loved these parts especially:
'Addison knew the second she met Derek Shepherd that her life was never going to be the same, just not in the way Derek assumed it would be infinitely different. '
'She knew she would never be able to forget the day she met Derek Shepherd, because it was also the day she met Mark.'
(thank you)
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