Title: There Are Some Remedies Worse Than The Disease
Part: 3/3
Pairing(s): Noah/Addison, Pete/Addison, Pete/Violet, and some Sam/Addison friendship. Addison-centric.
Rating: R
Summary: Continuation of 2.22. Everyone struggles to find their footholds while dealing with disasters of their own making. Previous
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did I make you realize that she's the only one you'd die for )
Comments 6
The whole thing was just fantastic. I'm glad she didn't end up with Pete or Noah too. And I love the Sam/Addison friendship as well. Great work, as always.
Can I hope to see ATGN soon?
This was amazing. ♥
Like crazychica mentioned, I do like that she didn't end up with either, she's on a bumpy road, but maybe the right thing now is a break and a fresh start in the future,preferably before she actually become 'the cat lady' :) with someone that doesn't come with so much baggage and history...
She deserves a break really...from recycling Pete, and messy Noah and all of them. I love Sam! I love Cactus Hank...Keep going X- you are brilliant!
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