Title: Almost There, Going Nowhere
Part: 40/?
Pairing: Mark/Addison
Rating: R
Summary: Addison attempts to start her life over post Season 3 and runs into a barrel of trouble trying to get there. Previous parts can be found
from the ties that you have started, from the sins that we've become )
Comments 14
Thank you, thank you!
It was such an hearbreaking chapter, painful to read, but beautiful. I so want Addie to finally feel a connection with Charlotte and Audrey and I really hope that will happen next chapter.
It's been three mothns since the last update and I don't think I can wait another 3 months for the next one...so please...update soon!!! Since you already have something done (the things you cut from this chapter) it won't be long, right?
Thanks again,
And Addison's journey will continue to be slow, but she'll get there and be fantastic.
Glad you liked what was there, thank you!
Could you tell me when you think next chapter will be ready? The wait will be much better that way.
Soonish? I've made myself sit down every night and write something, so that's an improvement. :)
Oh how I love this. I particularly like the devil. I expect that shall be interesting. Oh and the communication with Mark was lovely. I also love that Kennedy likes chaos - who doesn't?
On another note, I'm semi-pleased the actual show is not sapping just my inspiration. Also, I don't think story should ever ever end.
I love it too much.
(This comment was originally a lot longer and a lot gushier - but its just a lot simpler to say that I heart this story.)
The devil! Seems fitting. It'll be soul wrecking fun, promise.
Keep on hearting this, one of us has to. Thanks. :)
i loved this line/sentence: Addison voted that her medication wasn't working. Addison decided she'd stop taking it cold turkey. Addison is an idiot.
especially the last part...
And yes! One of my favorites too. The woman is just silly, but apparently I have no control, so I just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Thank you!
And re: your A/N. For me, not just Addison and the cat, but Addison+Cat+Sam+Can of catfood! Best thing I've seen on PrP in forever!
ETA: oops, wrong place!
Thank you for your lovely words, they certainly redeem the struggling I've had with this story lately. :)
Really just Addison + Sam, I love them, makes me want a new friend. Kitty is cool thought too. I hope he gets to pop up more often, I'm a sucker for lonely/miserable!Addison.
What can i say- you are too good! But to balance things out, can we at least ge some happy Addison, with maybe Alex, or any other guy...with babies, dogs, happy, happy, happy!
Thank you.
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