Title: You Dropped A Bomb On Me Pairing: Mark/Sydney Rating: R Summary: Long overdue crack!fic for kedda_nouvelle . Sydney's parents come to town for her birthday.
He's still a screw up, but at least he's found someone who can deal with it. Aww! It amazes me how well you make this pairing work; how you keep them themselves and in character, but subtly change them around each other. Awesome stuff; awesome dialogue. I don't ship them at all, but when I'm reading your fic for them, I kind of do :)
I don't ship them at all, but when I'm reading your fic for them, I kind of do. The greatest compliment of all, thank you! Poor little Mark, someday...
Comments 4
Aww! It amazes me how well you make this pairing work; how you keep them themselves and in character, but subtly change them around each other. Awesome stuff; awesome dialogue. I don't ship them at all, but when I'm reading your fic for them, I kind of do :)
The greatest compliment of all, thank you! Poor little Mark, someday...
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