Title: When The Sky Pours Down Like A Fountain
Part: 15/15
Pairing: Namely Mark/Callie but glimpses of others will be portrayed throughout.
Rating: R
Summary: Mark and Callie prepare for their son's arrival but nothing will go as expected
Previous parts can be found
More Dead Than Alive (Get Away From The Medicine) )
Comments 16
All those years ago?
What were all these plans we made,
Now left beside the road?
Behind us in the road.
<3 Such a beautifully written chapter to end one of the best and most intense stories I have read in this fandom.
Slide on next to me
I’m just a human being
I will take the blame
Bust just the same
This is not me
You see
I’m better than this
<3 Poor Callie. I remember how it feels like to be unable to be happy and to integrate back into society and to live up to its expectations.
Don’t leave me so cold
Or buried beneath the stones
I just want to hold on
And know I’m worth your love
I don’t think
There’s such a thing
<3 Addison and Derek. You have made them come a long way, but they are still slightly dysfunctional, annoyed with and by each other and mostly just crazy about each other. I guess it'll be a boy. Little Nathan the Wise.
It’s my fault, Now I been caught
A sickness in my bones
How it pains to leave you here
With the kids on your own
Just don’t let me go
<3 ( ... )
I'm not a big outline person cause I evolve with the story but, the only part of this I really knew was the ending. It was a huge relief to see that no one had demanded me strung up or was completely enraged by my refusal to candy tragedy.
Thank you, thank you! Lovely reviewer. ;)
P.S.- I miss writing them. Damn life.
*icon love*
BTW where is the epiologue....we so need one and I can not believe it took me over a year to finally read the final chapter...
I used to be a fanfic whore but not anymore.... but this is one that I need to read again no matter how sad it is/was....me and my fellow Mallie fic fans at the time dubbed this the dead baby fic....everytime you posted we would inform eachother like wildfire that a new chapter was up. :)
We need a follow up ending... the baby's name ...how MArk reacted to the birth and if he decided to play a part in the baby's life, which I am sure he does... how Callie reacted to him just walking out on her after she did it to him.... does this stir your muse at all. I really need closer to this story...
Pretty Please.
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