Title: Disarm Pairing: Sam/Addison, alludes to various Addison pairings however. Rating: PG-13 Summary: For freiheitfuehlen , Addison tells Sam her secrets. Set after 3.11.
Yep! I enjoyed it. And I needed it after last night episode.(I'm still sobbing when I think about it). Since Maddison won't happen Sam/Addison could be good.(You should talk to Shonda and give some advice) But I hope I can read Maddison in ATGN again! Irene
I am about one step away from going all out on Sam and Addison. I used to hate thinking they were perfect together, but they are and I want them to be endgame. I fear they won't be and it's going to Addison/Pete which I am going to hate so freaking much. Anyway I am an A/D shipper so I am used to living in this dream world of non canon pairings.
Thank you so much! I loved it, every line!
I loved, loved, LOVED Addison's speech in her last scene with Mark. It was utterly heartbreaking, but so fantastically emotional and thoughtful that I fell in love with that character even more.
Stats: Episodes watched last night: 2 Establishing of love for new pairing: 1 Crazy fan girl squeals: 1000000000000
Oh, I'm sure someone will get in the way, or someone will back out...and we'll just be teased for a while and then it will be forgotten. LOL, your stats! I love it.
Thank you! (and thank you for the rocking prompt, it was awesome)
Oh this is so very, very good. And just such a perfect followup to the episode, because I kept waiting for a final Sam/Addison scene that never came. And Addison's line about not being a family thing but a her thing is so heartbreaking and so true.
I loved the Mark and Sam interaction, it's so fun to see Sam upset like that. not being a family thing but a her thing, I hope that's addressed sooner or later.
Comments 11
Since Maddison won't happen Sam/Addison could be good.(You should talk to Shonda and give some advice)
But I hope I can read Maddison in ATGN again!
Thank you!
Thank you so much! I loved it, every line!
I loved, loved, LOVED Addison's speech in her last scene with Mark. It was utterly heartbreaking, but so fantastically emotional and thoughtful that I fell in love with that character even more.
Episodes watched last night: 2
Establishing of love for new pairing: 1
Crazy fan girl squeals: 1000000000000
Thank you! (and thank you for the rocking prompt, it was awesome)
Wonderful as always!
Thank you!
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