Title: The Day I Lost My Voice (The Suitcase Song)
Part: 2/3
Pairing/Character(s): Sam, Addison, Sam/Addison.
Rating: R
Summary: A/U after 3.16. And in certain ways he'll never admit, the biggest letdown has been getting to know Addison Montgomery...
love is a drink that goes straight to my head )
Comments 4
I love it, though. I actually like Sam and Addie in canon and this illustrates why. I love how, even when he doesn't understand her, Sam still tries to protect her, and take care of her. I also love how you've given us glimpses of what her life used to be, back when she was a child. It's a lot like how I imagine it too.
I hope on the show we get more stuff with her parents, and I would be thrilled if it was anything like this. I think you've done a wonderful job!
This & 'Early Morning Ambulance' are my favourite fics at present, you write Addie/Sam very well. Thank you for updating it.
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