Title: The Bright Side of Suffering Pairing: Owen/Teddy from Teddy's perspective, others included. Rating: PG-13 Summary: For thesevoices, following the finale. The new “fab five/six/seven” attendings.
this was like grey's heaven for me, and I'm gonna pretend this is what really happend on grey's and pp because then i think it would be okay. this is even better then I expected, I love the constant mark/addison and how they're happy without being the main couple (She-Sloan might just be the best thing ever). Owen and Teddy was perfect, how normal and stable they are with the fact that they seem so drama-free... which I really think they could be if Shonda would let them be together ( even if Shonda would ruin it with her drama because that' what' a realtionship is about, right?). I just loved them. and i lovelovelovelove this fic!
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