Title: Almost There, Going Nowhere
Part: 42/?
Pairing: Mark/Addison
Rating: R
Summary: Addison attempts to start her life over post Season 3 and runs into a barrel of trouble trying to get there. Previous parts can be found
42. in silence is where you're found/2 )
Comments 13
And the end?! Umm, I totally teared up and screamed "YES" out loud because Addison crying with her baby in pain is pretty much the best thing ever to read in this emotional as all hell fic.
Thank you for updating. And for not forgetting about this story because it's brilliant and beautiful and at some point, I'm going to need to be let off the ride, but for now the rollercoaster of emotions I feel when I read it is just too good.
Mark is coming into his own, I'm proud. And I don't think I could ever forget about this beast, but it is tiring to write. But it's too huge to quit, and I kind of want to stick it out and see them get all cute. My stories write themselves, basically.
And :Part2? So good to read that at the end of the first part :)
I'm loving Addie baby steps towards motherhood: the end was s perfect. And I hope she'll keep on improving, 'cause this fic is really good but also a little exhausting and I really need some Addie-twins fluffy time.
Thnaks again and please update soon.
I'm glad you liked the end, I thought people might. I wanted to give her that victory. And they'll get better, and better, it's just a slow roll.
Thank YOU. :)
I love the progress they're making - slow and real, and the shift in balance between dysfunction and coping. They're messed up (oh, yeah - Mark thinking about marrying Derek's Addison was an brilliant intertwining of happiness and dark-and-twisty - I think I might have said "ouch" in my head and wanted to pet him at the same time) but they're making it work and it's lovely to see it done so realistically.
That's the only goal I have for this wild story, to throw an improbable series of actions out and then keep the responses as close to normal as humanly possible. Cause real life sucks, and that's all I'm saying.
Thank you, there's much more Mark/Derek-ness coming up. (I always want to pet Mark, especially after the latest episode w/Lexie (who I don't even enjoy, but damn!)) ;)
Oh, you're awesome. I can't wait.
I always want to pet Mark, especially after the latest episode w/Lexie (who I don't even enjoy, but damn!)
The writing and acting sort of obscured the impact for me at first. (Except when he finally backed off, which was very well done and very in character, and broke my heart.) But I started to think and proto-fic in my head and remember all the screwed-up reasons I love him and, yes . . . damn!
Last request:any idea on when you'll be able to update. I'm already dying to read more. I know, I'm annoying. Sorry.
LOL, I'm using the momentum on the next chapter.
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