Mar 03, 2010 00:27
Hey Spiffystuff! When Taco sticks her head out of her hiding spot and stares at me for extended periods of time, what is she actually doing? Do snakes get bored? How intelligent is she going to get? Does she recognize me at all, and if so is it by sight or smell or what? ALSO WHY IS SHE SO CUTE
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Comments 2
I've noticed my snakes doing that but I'm never quite sure what they're up to. Hunting? Curious? IDK!
I would postulate that snakes can get bored, but that their threshold is probably really, really low. They're kind of ambush predators and probably not that "smart" compared to mammals, but it's a little hard to evaluate.
They /do/ usually recognize people, though! I think their strongest sense is smell, and I'm sure she recognizes your scent. I've heard mixed reports on how good their hearing and vision is - vision wise they seem to sense motion pretty well but I don't know if they can see details well enough to recognize a specific face. Hearing my understanding is they're not very good with high-pitched noises (no external ears) but can sense lower pitched sounds pretty well.
And corns are specially designed for maximum cuteness :B
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