.name: Whitney
.birthday: 09-30-90
.age: 14
.school you go to: Mauldin High School
.job: none really
.best friend: I cant pick just one...Katie, Brooke, and Ashton (dont get mad if you arent here...these are people that are like really good freinds)
.bf/gf?: no
.Hair color: dirty blonde
.Hair style: straight
.When was the last time you washed it?: this morning before church
.Clothes: happy bunny pjs
.Undies: presents
.Make up: none
.Song: 45-shinedown
.Thinking about: how long this survey is gonna be
.Mom's name: Annette
.Dad's name: Ed
.Siblings?: half brother Andy (havent seen him in almost 9 years)
.Do you get along with your siblings: havent seen him
.If you're an only child, do you like it?: yes
.do you like going to your grandparents house? no
.name of the person you like/are going out with: I like Patrick
.why do you like him/her? he is hot and nice
.is there anything about them that you don't like? not yet
.do you think you love this person?: on
.what do you think about love?: it a lie...a sweet but deadly one
.what do you think about soul mates?: i believe in them
.what do you think about sex before marriage?: as long as you use protection
.do you meet most of your friends at school?: yes
.Which of your friends gets on your nerves the most? probably Brooke b/c she is unreliable
.Why? see above
.List all your friends: oh God...Brooke, Ashton, Katie, Mandy, Becca W, Becca N, Callie, Lisa, Ray, Josh, Tonya, Chauncey, Chris, Erin, Cristen, Alyssa, Amy, Kelsey, Peter, Jon, Kristen, Neizel, Andrea, Jessie, Zach, Richard, Kerr, Cato, Melissa, Chrissy, Alex, Katie, Ricky, Kyle, Derek, Rachel, Olivia, Sommer, Natalie, Jimmy, Katie, Mark, Tobie, Laura, Charlee, LK, Amy, Matt, Nathan, Haylie, Jazmine, Christina, Delia, Julia, Caroline, Denny, Neje, Kathryn, Mike, Jane, Kenny, Chris, Nique, AJ, Brian, Kate, Paulina, Georgina, so many others
.How many is that?: are you kdding?
.Do you hang out with them on a regular basis?: some of them
.place the above people in the following catagories: no
....Best friends: what the fuck
....Close Casuals:
.do you think you're popular?: in my own group
.Does it matter to you whether you're popular or not?: hell no
.What was said to you this week that you can't stop thinking about?: someone called me a man?
.Who said it?: mitch
.Why did they say it?: cause he is gay
.Why does this stick out above everything else said to you this week?: its hurtful
.What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?: hmm...
.What was the nicest thing you've ever told someone? hm...
.Has anyone ever confessed that they LIKE you? yea
.Have you ever confessed that you like someone else? yes
.do you have trouble expressing your emotions or saying the hard stuff? no
.What time do you wake up in the morning? 6
.What time does work/school start for you?: 8:30
.What do you usually do after school/work?: track
.What do you do in your spare time?: climb
.Why do you like it?: cause i have been climbing for 2 and half years and i love the people that climb
.Do you procrastinate or do you get your work in on time? procrastinate
.Is the way you look important to you?: no
.What do you have issues with (list all)? people
.What do you think of Abercrombie?: DIE!
.What is the one thing you'd like to accomplish in your life? Be a world Famous climber