(no subject)

Feb 20, 2005 04:22

oh my. my oh my. friday night was uberly fun. and now, i must update about it.

last week jack and i planned on meeting at western bowl on friday. levi wanted to come along too. and so did oompa.
oompa rode the bus home with me. jack got home, finally, and messaged me. we set everything up. levi went to his house before they left, so they rode together. my mom took oompa and i.

they got there before us. my mom had no idea how to get there, but oompa did. also, we're a lot farther away from that place than they are. faggots. so we pull into a parking spot next to a gas station, and there's this huge crowd of, uhm, alternatives/icp faggots. plus, a levi and a jack.
i was so scared to get out of the car. a.) i had never met jack. b.) i swore to god they were going to jump me.
eventually jack got me convinced they were friends.

oompa and i met everyone quickly and headed into the bowling alley. we played pool for a little while, got bored, payed, and headed to the gas station. for some odd reason, a lot of the kids from earlier were there. levi bought some breadsticks and pizza. oompa bought a pizza. jack and i stole bits and pieces of each. jack got some pizza on my back. i knew about it, but pretended like i didn't. dumbasses. they were trying to clean it off without me knowing.
i can't remember what jack did, but i ended up trying to kick his thigh, and kicked his nuts. he dropped to the ground so fast. oh man. the pain in his face was great. to make everything better, i let him shake my hand, and his hand had donut icing all over it. so yeah. and, i gave up my seat for him. =D.
levi and i decided to go into the bathroom. erm, him in the boys, me in the girls, and buy 75 cent condoms. he ended up getting a studded one. i got a scented [chocolate] one. yeah, we're strange.

we eventually was told to leave, and from there we went to levi's little 'hang out'. it was on the side of a flea market. we hung out there for 10 minutes. didn't do much. kicked a bucket into a pond. pushed jack in a shopping cart across the parking lot. levi took over and jumped on the shopping cart with jack and rode through a puddle. boys, i swear. twas fun.

i happened to spot a k-mart across the street. so that's where we headed. i started this game of hide and seek. when we were all looking in the electronics, i took off to the barbie section. eventually oompa found me. hah. so we all played hide and seek for around an hour. on teams. levi and jack modelled in hats. we left there, found a few eggs outside [no real reason], and took those. jack and levi threw them at the damn rode. the fuck?

after a game of hide and seek, i decided that mcdonalds sounded good. so we headed over there. oh my, what a mess. we had so much fun there. jack and levi ordered some fries, a big mac, and some other shit. we were almost the only people there, so what we did really didn't matter. oompa and i decided to order her some food [fries, something else] and me a sundae. we went to go to the bathroom [which was right next to our seat], and when we opened the door it smelled like 'dirty old tampons,' as jack said. it was fucking gross. jack got sick. so we all [yes, all four of us] went to the boys bathroom and watched him puke. hah. levi nearly got sick. he gagged a lot, but never puked. we made such a fucking mess. throwing food and ice cream all over the place. levi and jack kept sticking fries up their nose and eating it. we kept spitting spitwads everywhere. made them stick to random things. jack had sharpies. flippin mega sharpies. we all wrote on each other. i put "cathy&levi&jack&oompa=bff. 2.18.o5 forever." it was already a day to never forget. which is why i put that. so the next time i visit that mcdonalds, i can sit there and remember.
levi ended up getting ice cream ALL over his chest. i forget how. or why. i think jack might have done it. but jack ended up licking it. it was classic.
levi took this mcdonalds tray that i wanted. we left. in the k-mart parking lot, jack and levi ended up sliding on it. oompa kicked jack in the nuts [fucking second time in one day, poor guy.] and levi fell REALLY hard on the damn tray. oompa was on the ground from jack falling over her. and i was the only one standing. *shakes head* children...

we headed back to k-mart. played even more hide and seek. sat in the electronics and watched some of shark tales. we decided to buy some shit [snickers, m&ms, life savors, juicy fruit, winterfresh, ice breakers, and pepsi.]. okay, so we leave, right? we headed over into the parking lot of a bunch of sheds and shit [right by the bowling alley], and decided to sit in this little yellow playhouse/shed thing. it was warmer than outside, so it worked. we fucking open our bag to eat, and my damn winterfresh is gone. i have no idea where it went. jack said he did something to it, then changed his mind and said he didn't. haha. who knows. we hung out there for a while. sung. fought. talked. ate. marked our names on it. left.

we went back to the damn bowling alley. played more pool. sarah [one of sheena's friends] was there. we talked a little. then, josh thacker, sean wade, and clayton from fucking elementary come up to me. they're all grown up and into the whole icp thing. it was weird seeing them. jack hit levi straight in the nuts with a ball, i think. or something. after we decided to say fuck pool, we went to the arcade. bought some coins. had some fun. everyone played games but me. i just kept thinking about how happy i was. and how i wish we always stay friends. all of us. and maybe do this every weekend. or atleast more than just once. i love those kids. all of them. all fucking four of them.

i'm pretty sure we ended up going to the omelet shoppe to drink coffee after we left. it's really old fashioned. we had quite some fun there. jack pulled out his snickers bar and started eating it with a knife and fork. then levi did the same. i just ate m&ms and drank coffee. jack put his cup down a little too hard once and water shot up and got the table wet. it was funny. oompa really likes jack, so she kept flirting with him. i can't remember why, but he ended up shoving her a little [in a playing sort of way], and she fell head first out of the damn booth. don't ask how. i don't even know.
it was atleast two am by this point. i was supposed to call my mom after the bowling alley. we didn't have enough money to, though. so jack fucking comes up with the plan to walk to his damn house. it's like, 30 degrees outside. 2something am. the wind's blowing. and his house is a damn hour away. everyone was okay with it but me. i know, pussy. lol. jack was wearing a fucking wife beater. no jacket or anything. but they talked me into it. levi gave me a piggy back ride for a bit. we had to jump fences. walk on the interstate [oh no, so illegal of us.]. a very nice african american man stopped us and asked us if we needed a ride. we said no. no, they said no. i wanted to. *eye roll*. it was cooooold. not but five minutes later did another car pull over. this time, though, it was a cop. he asked us where we were going, our ages [in which we lied about. jack said he was eighteen when he's sixteen. levi said he's seventeen when he's fourteen. oompa said fourteen. they didn't bother to ask me.], and asked us to try and stay off of the interstate. we all flipped. and kept walking.
was pulled over again. it was ridiculous. the cops were after us, we swear. it was past curfew and all. so, yeah, fags.

we were about to get on lynhurst when oompa saw a marathon. she had to pee. my pinky was numb. we stopped in there. sat down. oompa peed. i finally got feeling back in my damn finger. then we left, again.

we got to jack's house about 7 minutes later. and we were friggin locked out. jack banged on his brother's window and he let us in. jack's mom couldn't find out that oompa and i were there. plus, she didn't want jack walking home. we broke all those rules though. jack turned on avril lavigne's 'complicated' video and we repeatedly made fun of her saying, "DUDE YOU WANNA CRASH A MALL?" great times, great times.

being in jack's house was really weird. i had never been there. we hung out in his room. it was three something. four, maybe. oompa passed out fast. levi tuned jack's guitar. jack changed into shorts. we all kinda hung out and fucked around. not like that, sickos. jack fell asleep around five. levi and i spent some time together. well, two hours. it was one of the best parts of the night. it was light outside by the time i passed out. he kept asking questions and talking, and i was trying so hard to stay awake and respond. it was nice to look up and see him looking at me. you wanna know why? because that was the way i knew he had said something. haha. i fell asleep around seven20 on levi. i don't know if he went to sleep. or when. but i woke up around nine20 to jack and levi laughing. they were discussing what they were going to tell jack's mom about oompa and i being there. they finally built up enough balls to go out there and tell her, but she wasn't there. haha. oompa woke up, too. i still hadn't talked to my mom. yeah, i was in deep shit, that was a fact. but i had so much fun that i didn't give a damn. jack's friend, jackie, stopped by for a second. amber flirted with levi. she's so gross. that's jack's older brother's girlfried. *shudders* i hate girls like that. i ended up calling my mom. she was really pissed. i called her around nine40. she didn't come until around noon. jack said goodbye to us. he gave me a huge hug. it made me feel a little better because i was somewhat worried about my punishment.
she gave me a choice. miss the concert tonight that i had promised zack i'd go to, or be grounded for seven days. i chose the concert to go bye bye. i hated to. but everyone went. robbie, brandon, yada yada.. just all of my friends from school. but they'll have a concert again soon.

mom dropped levi off at home and we headed to mcdonalds. got some food. came home. got online, talked to levi. went to movie gallery to get saw. mom decides to 'run into meijer'. oompa and i stayed out in the car and decided to sleep. we figured it wouldn't take that long. it was around three thirty pm when she went in. i woke up at five thirty. still in the car. no mom. i was pissed. i had slept in a bad position [i have knee problems], and my knee was out of place. completely. i was so pissed [yeah, i just repeated myself, bitch.]. i hadn't had enough sleep and my knee sucked. so my mom and i got into a fight. bleh. whatever, though. it passed later on in the night. when i got home, levi was on, but idle. so i told him that i was gonna get some shut eye, and to call me. he called around eight. we talked for quite a while. keith, big josh, josh, and derrick showed up and flippin forced their way into my house. oompa was asleep. big josh and keith are fat. josh is really strong. i didn't invite them in. they literally pushed the door open with me trying to push back. so, it wasn't my fault they got in. i had to try and make sure that keith wasn't stealing. derrick and josh went into my room to wake oompa up. they all kept walking around everywhere in my house, and i was trying to fucking keep up with them [which is hard. four to one is unfair.]. i checked keith's pockets before he left. nothing. so it was okay.

my mom got home from the store. sheena got home from work. mom went to go get some beer from the fridge, and it was gone. sheena went to get her cigs off the counter, they were gone. they had been sitting there since 2pm. yeah. it wasn't me. and it wasn't oompa. it was one of those bastards. i got blamed for it. sheena and i actually got into a fight. she was a total bitch. "yeah, cathy, you were so fucking helpless." heh, poor girl, too bad she wasn't here :). i blocked both of them out of my head and watched some of saw. i guess we pissed the fuckwad upstairs off. he ended up fucking doing something to get us to turn it down, but whatever he did made the entire building shake. so tomorrow i'm going to write a note that says, "you are a fucking psycho" and tape it on his door.

oompa and i stopped watching saw. i think our stomachs were both really shaky. she fell asleep. i talked to levi the rest of the night. he got off about an hour ago. and i was still typing this when we were talking.

so, here i am. 6:13am. talking to mikey. not tired.

my mom bleached her hair blonde. oh my.

alright, so here's a shitload of pics from friday night and last saturday.

last saturday. two pics, deal with it.

levi, me, sheena, and some guy sitting infront of the show sheena played at.

levi and i.

friday night/saturday morning.

the sunset on the way there.

same applies.


jack pimping in a ghetto pink hat. <3.

levi was sporting that shit.

oompa sitting in an isle, hiding from jack during hide and seek.

same applies, nigga.

levi sitting in the same isle, hiding from the same person during the same game.

the dumbass found us!

it was a huge sesame street sign for clothes.


the girl on jack's cup cracked me up. she's so ugly.

jack, looking retarded.


oompa looking at the damn scented condom.

me laying down. i have no idea how in the hell that picture was taken.

jack is brownish yellow now. fear him.

he put coke in his eyes. we were making fun of emo kids, so yeah. lol.

me sitting on this little thing. i was queen of that shit.

oompa doing god knows what.

jack's booger tipped fry.

yes, he fucking ate it.

one fry.

two fries.

and gone! [i was laying down, which is why his pics are all upside downish.]

the exit sign we sat near.

i fucking adore that picture.

she's flippin horrible at looking at cameras.

jack's a homo. i wonder if he can explain that little white dot near his mouth?

i don't even WANT to know. the hell does it look like she's doing? especially with his damn facial expression. haha.

jack sucks at doing a sad face.

levi's is good.

and oompa's is funny. so, it all works out.

random bus picture by the men's bathroom. amanda took that picture.

who the fuck knows..

jack's facial expressions are great.

i love this picture. levi and jack had a moment. especially jack.. he's getting out of hand.


or lick it. that works, too.

haha, we decided to get that condom out of the package. the chocolate one. they dared me to put in on my tongue, so i did. then everyone else did. and here's jack's.



then we blew it up.

go oompa. she had the smallest.

mine. SUCKED.

jack's kicked ass.

silly oompas...

oompa bit jack's arm. the outcome.

rant rant.

jack's arm signed by the most awesome fuck in the world. thank you, *bows*.

eat that shit, jackolas.

awww. *cough* that'dbeweirdiftheywentout *cough*

the boy's gorgeous. what can ya do?

i'm telling you.. he makes some fucked up faces.

levi and i.

jack and levi flirting. totally.


little yellow shed.

jack was acting emo. that flash was SO fucking murdering because it was dark in that thing.

i like this pic for some reason.

bowling alley.

hardcore niggas.

omelet shoppe.


fucking snickers bar.




levi compared to jack's little brother.

haha, nerd.

guitar whore.

same applies.

back at home.

hell yes.

oompa says to stay good.


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