I'm glad I asked..
Question for you
Aaron 11:56 AM
Answer for you
La Baguette 11:56 AM
What do you think about Christmas?
Aaron 11:57 AM
11:57 AM
I dont know, I guess I didn't think about it
11:58 AM
11:58 AM
What do you think?
La Baguette 11:58 AM
Well in the end it doesn't really matter what I think, it's up to you
Aaron 11:59 AM
Well, it does
La Baguette 12:00 PM
Well it's your space
Aaron 12:03 PM
Yeah, but it's not just me in the relationship silly
La Baguette 12:04 PM
Well I don't think I would be asking if didn't still want to, but like I said, it's up to you. I have just been thinking about it for a while and not asking wasn't making it easier
Aaron 12:07 PM
Oh, right
12:07 PM
Well I dont know
12:08 PM
I guess I never thought there's the chance that you weren't coming
La Baguette 12:09 PM
Aaron 12:10 PM
I still want you to come
La Baguette 12:10 PM
12:11 PM
I didn't want to ask because I was sure you would say you didn't want me to
12:11 PM
Because I'm weird
We talked tonight and even though things don't feel 100% back to normal yet, it's just nice to know that he never didn't want me to come. It's just..well I guess that's not true, he did tell me when we almost broke up that he didn't feel the same enough to have me come. He did tell me another time though that the only reason he wouldn't want me to go, is if we weren't together, and since he didn't see that happening, there was no problem. But now that we are for sure together, I just didn't want to jump into assuming I was still going. Now I know I need to save some serious dough and get a credit card so I can pay for the trip myself all me.
I don't know, things are just good right now and we are back into saying I love you, which I don't know, is a huge comfort for me.
I'm back to having fun with him, I don't know he's just awesome and things are good right now.