So talked to Aaron.

Oct 20, 2011 23:12

Told him part of how I've been feeling. I think I'll leave out the whole "I miss you calling me honey/sweetheart/muffin" stuff for now. We are okay though, I miss him and I think what he meant by "Yeah, I get that too" was that he misses me too. I would hope that's what he meant.


Aaron 6:59 PM
6:59 PM
I dont know why
6:59 PM
What's wrong in your life?
La Baguette 7:00 PM
I'm not sure, probably nothing
7:01 PM
Maybe everything
Aaron 7:01 PM
7:01 PM
What the heck :c
La Baguette 7:01 PM
I don't know
7:02 PM
I just miss people I guess
Aaron 7:02 PM
Oh, who?
La Baguette 7:02 PM
Well you
Aaron 7:02 PM
7:02 PM
Yeah, I get that too
7:03 PM
But we still type lots
7:03 PM
which is really all we can do most of the time
La Baguette 7:04 PM
Oh yeah I know
7:04 PM
Are we okay though?
Aaron 7:06 PM
Well, I hope so
7:06 PM
Are we not?
7:06 PM
I thought we were
La Baguette 7:06 PM
Okay I'm just crazy then
Aaron 7:07 PM
Gah, you're silly
7:07 PM
Is that was what it was about?
7:07 PM
I love you silly
7:07 PM
I just cant talk as much
7:07 PM
which sucks
7:07 PM
If it's ever too much, I'd understand
La Baguette 7:07 PM
Yeah I don't know I've just been really sad the past couple days
7:07 PM
If what's too much?
Aaron 7:09 PM
7:10 PM
You're silly :c
La Baguette 7:10 PM
I don't knowwww
Aaron 7:10 PM
Not being able to talk
La Baguette 7:10 PM
You'd understand what
Aaron 7:13 PM
Well you made it out like
7:13 PM
not being able to talk
7:13 PM
was a big problem and stuff
7:13 PM
so I said if you dont want to deal with it, I guess I'd understand
7:13 PM
thats if that ever came up
La Baguette 7:14 PM
Oh no that's the last thing I want, I don't know I'm retardedly emotional I guess
7:14 PM
Would you like to watch a movie on maybe Sunday or Monday?
Aaron 7:15 PM
Yeah, sure
7:15 PM
I'd love to


So we're good and I really would like to spend some nice time with him this weekend seeing as that's the only times we get to talk and I'm glad that he included the 'I'd love to' then it's not just yeah sure, he actually does want to. I don't know, I feel reassured, that and the fact that he does still want me to come there after Christmas. I'm just more at ease now.

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